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Farewell and Congratulations! - Printable Version

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Farewell and Congratulations! - Spark - 2016-02-04 14:18

[Image: s0miS7k.png]


I am down to announce that two of our members who were in the team for a very long time decided to leave CSR and LFS overall.

[Image: isonline.Rauno002] | [Image: ee.png][CSR] Rauno | Rauno002
[Image: isonline.Svennar] | [Image: no.png][CSR] Svenn | Svennar

I wish them the very best of luck and would like to thank them massively for their contribution to the team. Farewell Svenn and Rauno, you will be missed!

Secondly I would like to congratulate the following members on getting promoted to Seniors, they have been assisting the team on making vital decisions in the last couple of months. Thank you and Congratulations!

[Image: isonline.i-love-cruise] | [Image: nl.png][CSR] Wouter | i-love-cruise
[Image: isonline.borja_s13] | [Image: es.png][CSR] Borja | borja_s13
[Image: isonline.rikky153] | [Image: ee.png][CSR] GoldEST | rikky153
[Image: isonline.bkrisztian91] | [Image: hu.png][CSR] Botos | bkrisztian91

They are now promoted to Senior Members! Gratz once again and keep up the good work! Wink

[Image: isonline.i-love-cruise] | [Image: nl.png][CSR] Wouter | i-love-cruise
[Image: isonline.borja_s13] | [Image: es.png][CSR] Borja | borja_s13
[Image: isonline.rikky153] | [Image: ee.png][CSR] GoldEST | rikky153
[Image: isonline.bkrisztian91] | [Image: hu.png][CSR] Botos | bkrisztian91

That's all for the promotions and departures, Team [CSR] has some MAJOR changes coming soon, keep your eyes peeled!

Thank you for reading, have a good day!

Team [CSR] Management!

RE: Farewell and Congratulations! - KooKoo - 2016-02-04 14:28

Good bye Rauno and Svenn Sad

Congratulations to those promoted except Borja Heart

RE: Farewell and Congratulations! - Titan - 2016-02-04 14:31

bye Rauno and Svenn

and gratz

RE: Farewell and Congratulations! - Roy - 2016-02-04 14:39

Good luck and congratulations!

RE: Farewell and Congratulations! - Frozen - 2016-02-04 15:26

Congratulations and good luck

RE: Farewell and Congratulations! - Piro - 2016-02-04 15:53

Goodbye Rauno & Svenn. Sad

Congrats to all promoted!

RE: Farewell and Congratulations! - Jacob - 2016-02-04 16:00

Cg and good luck Smile

RE: Farewell and Congratulations! - Angel - 2016-02-04 16:09

Gratz guys and good luck!

RE: Farewell and Congratulations! - Borja - 2016-02-04 16:30

Good bye mates!

Also congatulations to: Gold , Wouter , and Botos! Well done!

RE: Farewell and Congratulations! - Some1 - 2016-02-04 17:21

It's sad to see people who were in the team for what feels like forever leave, good luck to you guys.
Also congratulations to all that were promoted!

RE: Farewell and Congratulations! - Carl - 2016-02-04 17:38

One heck of an update! Congrats and good luck to all! Thumbup

Event look interesting, looking forward to it.

RE: Farewell and Congratulations! - Dracula - 2016-02-05 02:40

Farewell guys, and congratulations to the rest of you, well deserved! :]

RE: Farewell and Congratulations! - Connor - 2016-02-05 07:50

Sad to see you both leave, you were a great asset to the team.

Congrats and good luck to all!

RE: Farewell and Congratulations! - Rooztez - 2016-02-05 13:41

You'll be missed svenn and rauno. Gratz others! And thanks!

RE: Farewell and Congratulations! - Botos - 2016-02-05 14:25

Good bye Rauno, Svenn, and congratulations guys!
Thanks Smile

RE: Farewell and Congratulations! - Olli - 2016-02-05 17:03

Best of luck and congratulations!

RE: Farewell and Congratulations! - Roba - 2016-02-05 19:11

NOOO Rauno Sad Sad

Goodluck Rauno and Svenn!! Too bad you decided to leave Sad

Congratulations to all promoted!