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- REPORT DINO (Archived by Connor) - Printable Version

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- REPORT DINO (Archived by Connor) - BoosTeX - 2016-02-26 12:51

Your LFS username: BoosTeX

Their LFS username(s): hsvdin0
Their in-game nickname(s): Dino [COP]

Main reason(s): chasing for nothing

Replay and/or screenshot link: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=00608959936236370368

Replay timestamps:
12 : 50 : XX - he started following me
13 : 05 : XX - i went unusual way of roundabout, and he was following me (he could start chasing DYLAN because he went wrongway, but he didnt do this)
13 : 13 : XX - i crashed into the barrier because understeer and he started chase me, from this moment he started following me to the pit stop
13 : 35 : XX - i went out of garage, i drifted but i use garage again because i crashed my rear bumper, meanwhile he started chase me again (i was auto-busted and my 300€ was away, i wrote him to giving back my money, but he sent me only 200€, + someone saw this and asked him why he chased me.. but dino didnt answer)

is this normal ? long time he non-stop following me, everyday, everytime and fined me for this stupid things like crashing to the barrier. yesterday i was driving and he was behind me, titan drove next to me in the wrongway and he exceed the speed, but dino didnt start chase him. everytime when someone do something wrong he dont chase him, because he wait when i do something wrong.. and this is done continuously

Description of incident (inc date & time): 26.2.2016 13:30 gmt+1

RE: REPORT DINO - Dino - 2016-02-26 12:55

Your LFS username: hsvdin0

Their LFS username(s): BoosTeX
Their in-game nickname(s): BoosTeX

Main reason(s): insulting

Replay and/or screenshot link: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fil...6236370368

Replay timestamps:
16:20 - he is totally stupid, he chase me for nothing everytime

Description of incident (inc date & time): 26.2.2016 13:30 gmt+1

RE: REPORT DINO - BoosTeX - 2016-02-26 12:57

he is totally stupid, he chase me for nothing everytime = this sentence is true.
Tell me one reason why everytime you following me, chasing me for nothing, ignoring others who driving in WW, exceed the speed hm ?

RE: REPORT DINO - Dino - 2016-02-26 13:07

I chased you once for hitting the barrier (low fine 30€ since it was a minor incident) - you admitted hitting the barrier.

Then I chased you for exitting your garage with a drift and hitting the wall in the safe zone - you went back to pits and I refunded you 200€ of 300€ - 100€ careless driving remained - you admitted drifting in the pitlane.

How can you still say I chase you for nothing, if you even agree what you done wrong?

Remember the pitlane is a zone where you should drive sensibly, drifting is not allowed in there.

Also please remember it's up to the cop who he chases, titan for example is a friend and I hardly chase him.

Please drive carefully, stop drifting etc. then you will never be stopped and fined by me. Also, please watch your language. But I'm sure an admin will have a word with you regarding swearing/insulting.

Last thing to say: There was no reason to enter the server and write something like
"Oh you reported me for insulting, very sweet/cute"
I ignored this, but all you wanted with this is trouble.

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Connor. - Connor - 2016-02-28 00:27

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

The first fine was a little harsh from Dino's part as this was a small mistake, but still fine-able if you see it as careless driving and not paying close enough attention to the road.

The second incident was a legitimate fine as you drifted out of your garage, which the rules clearly state 6.1. Drive sensibly and predictably in pit-lane. Do not do doughnuts, burnouts, drifts or other stunts. So with this in mind, this was a fine-able offence in which you pitted, for some reason, making you auto-fined for €300, something which you were surprised at; again, for an unknown reason.

The fact that Dino paid you back €200 was perfectly reasonable, as he stated before, this would leave €100 for the careless driving fine (which was a legitimate fine).

Dino's actions were justified. I feel like this report was made out of spite and nothing more. Please try to ignore each other and just get on with the game, being fined is part of playing on the CityDriving servers, you'll have to learn to deal with it.

No action has been taken for reasons described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.