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+ Report: Martin Brundle (Report Archived by BP) - Printable Version

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+ Report: Martin Brundle (Report Archived by BP) - Huski - 2016-03-16 01:38

CX883 -
Your LFS username:unisonzero

Their LFS username(s): Martin Brundle
Their in-game nickname(s): CX883

Main reason(s): Starting arguments/childishness

Replay and/or screenshot link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7zy0b0feq8lifjl/Martin.mpr?dl=0
Replay timestamps: I would say watch from 1 hour 43 onwards

Description of incident (inc date & time): Time: 1:20 am ish (GMT)
Description: He seemed to be inflating everything up to large proportions trying to get a response to continue his arguments. He seemed to be very insulting towards a number of players too. Near the end I said "Just please be quiet. This is hurting my eyes) Then he stopped for upmost of 1 minuet.

(P.S: I posted this as I believe it is viable grounds for a report. Even though I was a bystander)

I will also post some updates here if need-be with screenshot links... If need be.

Update: Within like 10 mins he avoids the swear filter: http://imgur.com/XN1FYEK

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: BP. - BP - 2016-03-17 18:38

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

You have the username and the nickname the wrong way around. The username is what you see when you hold shift+control.

I've had a little look over the chatlog (in this case, the replay didn't seem to be that helpful) and he will be given a warning for swearing/inappropriate language/insulting and a fine of 1000 Euro for avoiding the swear filter.

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.