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+ Multiple report (Report Archived by Bez) - Printable Version

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+ Multiple report (Report Archived by Bez) - Titan - 2016-04-04 13:10

Your LFS username:CRC Titan2000

Their LFS username(s):alex-89
Their in-game nickname(s):Alex#89

Their LFS username(s):Winchy_411
Their in-game nickname(s):Winchy_411

Main reason(s):ram in firstreplay with insult in second replay

I've watched with kilometers and are quite a bit.
So I have again noted that it is not a ram server.

but the answer you can see that yourself

Replay and/or screenshot link:first: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yqoruwexf69iyjj/ram%20me.mpr?dl=0

second: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g1a0a1vfy4arxk0/insult.mpr?dl=0

Replay timestamps:
first replay:
11:00 no respect for siren
23:10 insult another player
27:45 relegate
28:00 Winchy_411 ram me with no sorry he say was a accident ?
33:50 relegate and push me and ram me
34:15 ram

both driving without thoughtfulness and without sanity.

second replay:

I try to enlighten I get an answer.

1:35 insult me

Description of incident (inc date & time):04.04.2016 15:08 pm

RE: Multiple report - Titan - 2016-04-06 08:59

there are special reasons why it will not be processed?

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Bez. - Bez - 2016-04-06 09:00

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

Hello Titan,

Sorry for the delay in this report.

Both of these users were actually banned just yesterday for ramming on our servers. Therefore no further action will be needed for ramming.

However for insulting they will receive a warning.

Many thanks,
TC Team.

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.