[TC] Gaming Forums
Banned??? (Unban Request Denied by Nammi) - Printable Version

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Banned??? (Unban Request Denied by Nammi) - Hesselvdveen - 2012-02-24 16:57

What's the reason for my ban??

RE: Banned??? - Josh - 2012-02-24 17:00

Wrong siding on the autobahn.

I asked you "if you remember your previous ban, from Nammi". You said yes. We have extended it to 120 days due to your record.

RE: Banned??? - Johan. - 2012-02-24 23:09

Just for some information: You just banned Applefaq for something he had already been banned for? (And sat the ban out, as he was on the server)

Administrator Message by: Savy

Do not post in unban request's which do not concern you.

RE: Banned??? - Savy - 2012-02-25 04:30

Constable's can only ban for 12hours, so while nammi banned him, he requested a extension on the ban which was done by Josh. Only reason he was able to get back on the server was because nammi's 12hour ban ended before the extension could be done.

RE: Banned??? - Nammi - 2012-02-26 23:11

I banned you, as stated before, for wrongsiding on the autobahn twice. as i was speccing you, you swerved onto the wrong side again on purpose and only replied with smileys and an "yes ban me for 100 years" as i confronted you.
so now your question is answered. I can close this thread right?

Banned??? (Unban Request Denied by Nammi) - Nammi - 2012-03-01 09:47

Unban Request Denied