[TC] Gaming Forums
Unban (ajassat) (Unban Request Granted by Lampshade) - Printable Version

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Unban (ajassat) (Unban Request Granted by Lampshade) - Jassat - 2012-02-25 11:12

Hello guys

I have been on LFS for a month now after along time and I was banned from TC.

I cant remember why and when because it has been such along time.

It was in 2010 I think and I never bothered to apply for a unban on forums

Username: ajassat

Thanks Smile
Hope to get on server soon

Unban (ajassat) - Cal - 2012-02-25 11:56

The admin who placed the original ban has been notified and will reply shortly

RE: Unban (ajassat) - Jassat - 2012-02-26 12:03

Still not heard anything?

RE: Unban (ajassat) - Pete - 2012-02-29 00:32


Sorry for taking so much time to reply, been busy. You were banned for the following:

1 - You were ramming other users on the servers
2 - You were restricted to a UF1 for a mere 15 minutes for doing so
3 - You first told Marius to F*ck off
4 - You then told him to suck your ... when he told you why he'd done it
5 - You then continued to ram
6 - I requested that you be permanently banned.

Do you have a good reason as to why you think you deserve an unban?

~ L

RE: Unban (ajassat) - Jassat - 2012-02-29 20:04

Hi its ok dw Smile

And i agree, but i do recall this was ages ago.

I am very sorry for the actions which were taken and i am sure they will never happen again.

I am much older now and think I am responsible for playing on a cruise server,


RE: Unban (ajassat) - Jassat - 2012-03-04 12:06

How come so long for a reply???

RE: Unban (ajassat) - Savy - 2012-03-04 13:48

Lamp is currently away for the weekend, please be patient and wait for his reply.

RE: Unban (ajassat) - Jassat - 2012-03-04 15:37

Ok thnaks Biggrin

RE: Unban (ajassat) - Pete - 2012-03-06 14:15

I'm going to unban you on a final warning basis.

Any funny business or rule breaking and you'll be back on a ban.

Thanks for being patient.
Unban Request Granted.

You will be unbanned shortly.