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+ Report - Papughini, NakaTech (Report Archived by Connor) - Printable Version

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+ Report - Papughini, NakaTech (Report Archived by Connor) - Jacob - 2016-05-02 23:16

Your LFS username: seal..

Their LFS username(s): Papughini / NakaTech
Their in-game nickname(s): Redexx™ElPopu / jabbawockeez

Main reason(s): going ww all the time, ramming COP in chase, interfering with chase, ramming head to head, failure to apology for every crash caused by him

Replay and/or screenshot link: HERE

Replay timestamps:
16:46:00 - jabbawockeez - chase infront, pitting suspect, he is comming high speed, no slowing down, aiming at me, hitting me HARD into back!
aprox 18:00:00 - Redexx™ElPopu starts to go ww all the time - looking for crashes (19:23:00)
20:38:00 - hits car in ww - no sorry
21:24:00 - head to head crash, no attempt to steer away, just aimed right into him - no sorry
25:24:00 - chase infront, no slowing down, aiming on me, it last sec steered away and avoided straight hit
32:20:00 - chase infront > he is wrongsiding again >> horning at us?!
35:12:00 - final hit - straight hit into chase > hes again on wrong side, HARD steered into me caused dmg on my car > fun ruined definitely

Description of incident (inc date & time):
Evening fun was nicely destroyed by these two guys. Totaly disrespectful to other players, causing accidents deliberately, heavy failure to apology..failure to speak at all. Both were pain for all players in that time on the server. Thank you, Iacob

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Connor. - Connor - 2016-05-07 09:22

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

NakaTech will receive a 3 day ban for his actions. He did indeed ram you, but he carried on wrongsiding into people, ramming parked cars along the way.

Popughini is the usual rammer who has fun just ramming random people, interfering with chases etc. He will also receive a 3 day ban for his actions.

Cheers for the report.

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.