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Unban toniara97 (Unban Request Denied by Ash) - Printable Version

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Unban toniara97 (Unban Request Denied by Ash) - Toni - 2012-02-25 18:10

- Your LFS Username:toniara97

- Time & Date of Incident 20:06

- Replay / Screenshot Link:no
- Replay Timestamps:no

- Reasons as to why you think you deserve an unban: SAy ASSH to show me teh evidence or i will ???***Smile^¨ ...... he banned me like (abusive language i said just ``Stupid thing never train´´ (some people just cant get teh joke or they are so little kids that havent seen the world Closedeyes what a facepalm to him

if he doesnt show the evidence to me today i report him (when he readsthis he will piss off and ban me from teh forum)

RE: Unban toniara97 - Roba - 2012-02-25 18:43

Actually you were banned for saying this:

- vittu jumalauta hintti kyttä

which I kindly translated into TC chat.

RE: Unban toniara97 - Ash - 2012-02-25 18:50

As Roba kindly mentioned above, chatlogs prove you said the above sentence. I have requested your ban to be extended from 1 day to 7 days.

And if you do report me, i do not see how you have any legs to stand on, however feel free to navigate to here: http://forum.city-driving.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?fid=6 to submit a report against me and a team leader will investigate.

Thanks for your post

- Ash
EDIT: Here is the evidence as requested, taken from our server chatlogs. I will leave it down to you and anyone else to translate it via http://translate.google.com if they wish to do so.
[Image: getfile.php?id=20120225195239iboxev]
EDIT: If i translate "Stupid thing never train" from English to Finnish (Your home country), i am presented with "Tyhmä juttu koskaan harjoitella" which is nothing like the text which you wrote.

RE: Unban toniara97 - Toni - 2012-02-26 19:33

YOU FCKIN RUINED MY VACATION FCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Unban toniara97 - Josh - 2012-02-26 19:42

If you start being abusive to anyone else you'll be banned from the forums and the server. Clear?

RE: Unban toniara97 - Toni - 2012-02-26 19:44

Ill give you a question. Why th Whuck Every Admin on Tc is Just so ill kick and ban that noob uf1 to lx4 drover?

please answer this!

RE: Unban toniara97 - Josh - 2012-02-26 19:54

They aren't. We only kick and ban the people that need it. After looking at your crappy attitude, I don't see any problem with any ban here.

RE: Unban toniara97 - Ash - 2012-02-27 19:57

Unban denied im afraid, look forward to seeing you upon your return! Smile
Unban Request Denied