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More admin presence on the Servers - Printable Version

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More admin presence on the Servers - Thomas - 2016-05-04 19:06


Lately the level of admin presence has decreased drastically on your servers, which has had a fair amount of cons.

- More rulebreakers (ramming, spamming, non-english, general disobedience to rules)
- General skill of new(and existing) cops has decreased
- More people think they can get away with anything.

As well as this, the rate at which reports are being dealt with has decreased as well. I know I am not the only one who thinks this is an issue.

And yes, I do know that everyone has a right to their private life - but with this, it seems like TC is on a slope heading down quicker and quicker.

So my 'simple' request, is that can we please have more TC's online on the servers more often? It used to be fun to play on your servers, but lately it seems to be issue after issue.

Best regards,

RE: More admin presence on the Servers - Pete - 2016-05-04 19:19

Sadly the current state of LFS has led to a reduction in admin activity. This can't be sorted overnight but steps are being taken to try and improve the situation. Hopefully we can pluck some enthusiastic people out of the community during our upcoming recruitment which is currently scheduled for June/July.

RE: More admin presence on the Servers - Jimmy - 2016-05-04 19:35

Become and admin Thomas Wink

RE: More admin presence on the Servers - Howlin - 2016-05-04 19:40

However low the admin activity level is, this problem is not only down to the admins being less present but, especially in the case of reports, the amount of problems that could be solved by users simply communicating with each other rather than crying report instantly. If there were half the reports to deal with because people solved the problems that don't require any admin intervention then the important ones would get done quicker. Of course i'm not saying this is the whole problem, admin activity, as you say, is indeed very low and it's simply down to a lack of motivation these days. (At least in my case.)

Hopefully LFS S3 development will revive the community and the team a little too in time, i'm not holding my breath though.

RE: More admin presence on the Servers - Luke - 2016-05-04 21:05

I'll openly admit I am not on as regularly as I should be. Admins are in the spotlight when it comes to the TC servers, as well as other "popular" users. So it's easy to notice lack of activity. The admin team is a big team and should indeed be more active. I feel responsible for not contributing enough in game, I know my reasons why but it's not an excuse. It's generally the same story, we get hooked up with more important real life contributions. With [TC] becoming an ever bigger community, it's clear, as a team, we are looking for more open opportunities to improve and manage the servers.

Bare with us, fresh meat will be arriving and it doesn't surprise me that there's a brief period of time when the servers do not have enough admin presence at some point during the year (before recruitment).

RE: More admin presence on the Servers - Connor - 2016-05-04 21:22

Yes, we do apologise for the low admin activity. As everyone else has said, there are steps that are being planned to help recuperate activity levels to somewhere nearer to what they were before.

But going on from what Howlin said, some users in the [TC] Community really need to mature and start communicating with each other, rather than going straight to a report where it's not nearly as effective.

I'll certainly try and raise my activity levels in the coming months as I get more time to commit.

RE: More admin presence on the Servers - Dracula - 2016-05-05 08:07

Admin presence has definitely gone down, no doubt in that, which will cause a rise in issues on the servers, but as the others have said, the community needs to work on the issues spoken about in the OP as well.

The amount of things I've had to deal with which could have been sorted out between the users by using common sense and maturity is unbelievable.

RE: More admin presence on the Servers - MousemanLV - 2016-05-05 10:31

Every server is dealing with rule-breakers. Blame the community, not the administrators. There are way too many people who simply do not know how to behave.

RE: More admin presence on the Servers - Carl - 2016-05-05 20:30

I agree with what is being said here, Mouseman is also correct. The community is the problem and it's certainly hard for the admin team to compete with the sheer amount of reports and rule breakers.

As Howlin said about the reports, well I am pretty tired of some people jumping to the forums out of spite and I'm surprised they aren't punished for abusing the report system. Not to name anybody, but I'm sure we're all aware of those who just outright abuse the report system for petty things that can be solved with just talking. When a report is submitted it takes away the time that the admins could spend on the servers to deal with the reports.

I play this server most days and I find myself bumping into quite a few rule breakers but I would only take it to the forums if it was completely disrupting my gameplay.

One thing I do like is the request an admin thread. I like how you guys respond to that pretty quickly.

However part of me thinks there should be admins on a little more consistently, especially at peak times.

RE: More admin presence on the Servers - fWANKy - 2016-05-05 22:06


problem solved

RE: More admin presence on the Servers - Pete - 2016-05-05 22:15

(2016-05-05 22:06)Fwanky Wrote:  [TC]►Franky◄

problem solved

[Image: giphy.gif]

RE: More admin presence on the Servers - Sebas - 2016-05-06 02:20

(2016-05-05 22:06)Fwanky Wrote:  [TC]►Franky◄

problem solved

[Image: 55213108.jpg]

RE: More admin presence on the Servers - Stephen - 2016-05-06 08:52

(2016-05-05 22:06)Fwanky Wrote:  [TC]►Franky◄ ...

[Image: rMG3_f-maxage-0.gif]

RE: More admin presence on the Servers - StreetFX - 2016-05-06 11:40

(2016-05-05 22:06)Fwanky Wrote:  [TC]►Franky◄

problem solved

[Image: latest?cb=20131231001147]

RE: More admin presence on the Servers - Ash - 2016-05-06 12:22

Lets get away from the GIF's and continue the conversation if there is anything else to contribute constructively please.

RE: More admin presence on the Servers - Ash - 2016-05-07 19:03

You spoke.... We listened:

[Image: Gw8mYx7.png]

Lol Smile

RE: More admin presence on the Servers - Jimmy - 2016-05-07 19:07

now we cant have fun Sad xD

RE: More admin presence on the Servers - Adam - 2016-05-07 19:08

8 Admins, that a record? Biggrin

RE: More admin presence on the Servers - BP - 2016-05-07 19:10


Quote:2 Flag of GB RacerAsh3 [TC]›Ash‹[VCU] 94,495 € 59,668 km 0 km FXO Highway 1 Online One
3 Flag of GB mbutcher [TC]»Pete«[AFK] 150,500 € 202,418 km 12 km XRG Spawn Zone Online One
6 Flag of DK LeonRL [TC]›Leon‹ 107,749 € 85,429 km 0 km No car spectating Online One
8 Flag of GB Degats [TC]»Elmo« 214,642 € 171,753 km 0 km No car Online One
11 Flag of DK Rascar13 [TC]›Ras‹ 89,433 € 150,808 km 13 km FZ5 Highway 2 South Online One
12 Flag of US klbbadd2002 [TC]›Dizzle‹ 340,806 € 39,371 km 27 km XFG Devils Corner Online One
16 Flag of GB LuckyLukeT [TC]›Luke‹ 89,333 € 53,459 km 3 km LX6 Devils Corner Online One
19 Flag of GB Boypower [TC]›BP‹ 16,269 € 125,344 km 0 km No car Online One
20 Flag of GB mikebez [TC]›Bez‹ 323,757 € 121,686 km 26 km XFG Devils Corner Online One
21 Flag of GB howlinmad22 [TC]›Howlin‹ 951,572 € 112,181 km 24 km No car spectating Online One

RE: More admin presence on the Servers - Carl - 2016-05-07 20:27

Once in a blue moon occurrence Wink