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A Long Time Ago - Printable Version

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A Long Time Ago - Nahkis - 2016-05-19 23:21

It's been nearly 7 years since Cruising Street Racers were founded.
To see that the team is still active after this time is amazingly nice!

I believe I was one of the founders of the team back in 2008/2009
I remember that we (can't remember who the other guys were, sorry) were thinking of starting up a team. Tried different titles for the team and so, one of us came up with the name: Cruising Street Racers, CSR for short.
It started as a not so serious thing back then but after a while a lot of people started to join the team and it grew up.

But I sadly don't remember the names of the other guys that was with me on the start Sad
Crille, Klurax, BMW Can, Tommi and Orange maybe? (If you or anyone else remember being there on the VERY start, back in 2008/2009, please reply!)

How are you guys today? Is the team doing well?
Nice to see that some familiar names are still active on this forum and possibly still playing the game Smile

I might visit the tracks some day in the future Thumbup

I found some old skins that I made for CSR and wanted to share them with you. These were the very first CSR skins.
You can download the .zip file from here:

Best regards,


RE: A Long Time Ago - Ras - 2016-05-20 01:33

Oh wow, hey Nahkis! How have you been?

I was a CSR Co-leader back in 2009/2010. Joined the team not long after it was founded i guess. I can barely remember it, though Tongue

You should definitely head on the servers and have a look. A lot has changed.

RE: A Long Time Ago - Connor - 2016-05-20 06:27

Oh great to see you coming back man! I doubt you'd ever remember me but I remember playing with old CSR members (like yourself) back in 2011 but I think it was unfortunately just when your activity was fading.

You should definitely see what's been changed, you might be pleasantly surprised! Cya round. Smile

RE: A Long Time Ago - Titan - 2016-05-20 07:50

nice to see you again ... long long long time!

Some0ne and I were at that time in the team!

was a nice time Smile

I see you on the server Wink

RE: A Long Time Ago - Viper - 2016-05-20 08:51

Been a long, long time, Nahkis! Hope you've been well.
I still have you on my Battlefield: Bad Company 2 friends list, lol.

RE: A Long Time Ago - Spark - 2016-05-20 09:40

Oh hello!

I am sure we never met before but it is pleasure meeting you / knowing that you are one of the founders of our well developed team. I am Spark, I am currently leading the team alongside with Kieran.

Hopefully I will see you online one of the days for a cruise.

You maybe slightly lost regarding our website, etc. If that's the case, feel free to check out our forum at http://www.team-csr.eu (or maybe even register Tongue).

Thanks and hope to see you soon!

RE: A Long Time Ago - Crille - 2016-05-20 11:22

Well hello! Nice of you to pop in Smile

If I remember correctly it was you, Tommi and maybe Xzelicon or MKIV who started it all? A guy from Norway was also in the team early, can't remember his nickname but his RL name is Torbjorn. Neither me, Klurax or Orange was there from the very start, not sure about BMW Can though. Got great memories from those days! Biggrin

RE: A Long Time Ago - Toni - 2016-05-20 11:30

Hello there Nahkis!

The team is definitely going well now! Atleast better than what it was when i joined it back in 2014! I was a leader at 9-2014 - 5-2016, and i managed to somehow revive the team back to a living standard. I recently demoted myself from the leader position due to not having as much time leading anymore.

Thank you for being one of the creators of this amazing team.


RE: A Long Time Ago - Kieran - 2016-05-20 12:53

Hey, Long time no see.

I still use that XRT CSR skin Smile

Here is a team list from an old forum, maybe the original forum? http://teamcsr.forumn.org/t371-csr-team-member-list

Hope to see you on the servers.

RE: A Long Time Ago - Pete - 2016-05-20 19:10

Hey Nahkis, good to see a familiar name after so long! Hope you're doing well.

To answer your question:

(2012-08-12 08:58)Nahkis Wrote:  How you all doing? I guess this is suitable forum area to post this? Rolleyes

Just came by to say hello to all Smile

I don't know how many people here recognize me, but you might remember me as creator of CSR (along with Can), trainer, or as constable in [TC] team.
I was active atleast 2008 and 2009.
(Cant remember the other years active, somebody refresh my memory)

Im not coming back to the servers just yet...
I might reconsider it if they release S3 or anything that way.

PS: How is CSR doing these days? Smile
PSS: And how is [TC] doing aswell?

From this thread: http://forum.city-driving.co.uk/showthread.php?tid=4110

RE: A Long Time Ago - Nahkis - 2016-05-21 10:25

Oh well, thanks for refreshing my memory with that one Pete Smile
It makes more sense now!

I do remember nearly everyone who replied here: Rascar, Kieran, Crille, Viper, Titan and Pete (I remember you having a different name earlier Pete?)
Nice to see you all!

Thanks for mentioning Some0ne, Titan. Totally forgot about him but now I remember him being one of the very first.

Where are these great people that has been mentioned here?

RE: A Long Time Ago - Roba - 2016-05-21 22:59

All the great people tend to quit LFS or just go very inactive Tongue

I still remember you being the only Finnish TC member back when I joined TC servers in 2011, though you were already inactive Biggrin As I mentioned in your previous thread in 2012!

I also remember you for making the Finnish Police skins, which were outdated at some point where the cop skin rules changed. So I continued the tradition and made some new skins, also including the brand new livery with the yellow reflectors Smile

RE: A Long Time Ago - Some1 - 2016-05-22 04:21

It's great to see you here again Nahkis, my memory is weak but i won't forget you and BMW-Can, been a great time. Sadly cannot pinpoint when me and Titan joined as both my old screenshots and the 2008-2012 TC/CSR forums vanished. Best guess would be late 2008 before the time in TC early 2009 (could be way off though Smile). Hope to see you on the servers sometime!
And like Roba said, many of the great olden day guys are gone now, lost interest, shame about that.

RE: A Long Time Ago - Thomas - 2016-05-22 08:17

Hello Nahkis! I remember you from when I was the leader of CSR and the training days.

RE: A Long Time Ago - Wouter - 2016-05-22 14:03

Hello Nahkis,

It's nice to read the history of CSR. I really like our team. I'm Assistant Leader in Training.

I hope to see you on the servers.

Thank you for creating this team Smile