[TC] Gaming Forums
[Code 1] Unban me Erhabe99 aka Shark - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: [Code 1] Unban me Erhabe99 aka Shark (/showthread.php?tid=22506)

Unban me Erhabe99 aka Shark - BoYaqoub - 2016-05-29 12:24

● Your LFS Username: Erhabe99

● Time & Date of Incident: Along time ago

● Replay / Screenshot Link: none
● Replay Timestamps: none

● Reasons as to why you feel you deserve an unban: I logged in from another IP and i got banned for it.

RE: Unban me Erhabe99 aka Shark - Dan - 2016-05-29 12:27

Logging in from another IP isn't as simple as that. Did you do it intentionally via a VPN, or have you legitimately moved significant location?

RE: Unban me Erhabe99 aka Shark - BoYaqoub - 2016-05-29 12:32

I study outside so i changed location, from Qatar to UK now im back in Qatar.

RE: Unban me Erhabe99 aka Shark - Dan - 2016-05-29 12:34

Your account has been unlocked and will be unbanned shortly.

Please respond to this thread in future cases of a Code 1 bans or country changes rather than posting a new thread. This will help administrators swiftly deal with any further cases.