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+ Report (Report Archived by Bez) - Printable Version

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+ Report (Report Archived by Bez) - QATAR948 - 2016-06-03 15:45

Your LFS username: Qatar948

Their LFS username(s): Gtforce4
Their in-game nickname(s):[TMS]Tgbrk

Main reason(s): Ramming in propose

Replay and/or screenshot link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/8e4580j8igi7z9n/%5E7%5B%5E1T%5E7M%5E3S%5E7%5D%5E1Tgbrk-.mpr
Replay timestamps: 1 :06:30

Description of incident (inc date & time):
He start to tailgate me then he hitted my side , after that he try to pit me to cause me to crash , Toyoda was lucky to avoid me.

RE: Report - Gal75 - 2016-06-03 16:08

You should get something better to do than report peoples all the times. What about some nice hobby or making some new friendships?

Administrator Message by: Dan

Refrain from posting in administration topics that you are not involved in, especially when it's unconstructive as this.

RE: Report - Bez - 2016-06-03 17:51

Gtforce4 have been given an in game confirmable warning for deliberately causing accidents.

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.