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+ angle and pete (Report Archived by Blacktop) - Printable Version

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+ angle and pete (Report Archived by Blacktop) - 3 L O S H - 2016-07-15 17:25

Your LFS username: 3losh

Their LFS username(s): sergey29 , MButcher
Their in-game nickname(s): [TC]»Pete«[COP] ,[GLOW]Angel[COP]
Main reason(s): ramming , banned me for asking to take a look at my report

Replay and/or screenshot link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/1pda7fl9708ewm5/dsdsdsd.mpr

Replay timestamps: 00:05:50

Description of incident (inc date & time):
hello , first i got rammed by angle i was chasing by tgoofr and when i escape i stopped like two seconds on the road to text him (tell him good chase and that stuff) i know that was wrong and im sorry, while angle comes and did intentional ram with out any apology i asked him (why ram) and he didnt response me also he fined me caused an accident (if he had to fine me that fine should be illegal parking but he need to ask me to move frist) after this action i reported him and told pete to look at my report he told me that i didnt do it via !tc so he will check it later i asked him if you are busy i can post on the forum he told me dont do it , then i asked him when you are going to look at the report he said later i told him to give me how much time then he stopped response me , aftter 10 mins i talked to him on !tc but he didnt response me then i asked him why you ignoring me ? he didnt tell me anything he just did banned me ,if that is bannable he should warning me for that or kick me at least , not just banned , sorry but i realy feel wronged

RE: angle and pete - Pete - 2016-07-15 17:27

I told you I would look into your report... You then persisted to nag me about it for 20 minutes.

RE: angle and pete - 3 L O S H - 2016-07-15 17:29

im sorry pete but you didnt tell me that bannable or warning me you just banned me

RE: angle and pete - Pete - 2016-07-15 17:46

(2016-07-15 17:29)3 L O S H Wrote:  im sorry pete but you didnt tell me that bannable or warning me you just banned me

I think telling you multiple times to stop nagging me about a report is plenty of warning.

angle and pete - Status: [TC] Management Investigating. Updated by: BP. - BP - 2016-07-15 17:50

This report is being looked into by [TC] CityDriving Management as it is concerning a [TC] Member. Please be patient.

Verdict on Pete:

This is a fairly simple case, which is why this can be resolved almost immediately.

Pete told you on multiple occasions that he will deal with the report soon. He also told you to stop nagging. These should have been clear indications/warnings for you to stop.

Since you continued to disturb him, you were given a small 24 hour ban.

Verdict on Angel:

This will be looked at shortly, by a [TC] Member. Please be patient.

RE: angle and pete - 3 L O S H - 2016-07-15 18:09

what about angle ?

RE: angle and pete - Angel - 2016-07-15 18:41

Hi there. First of all, you've stopped on the Autobahn (which is pretty dangerous if a chase comes or just a civilian does) and u were slowing down when i was right behind you, tried to brake but couldnt stop at all, thats why i fined you (caused an acciddent by stopping there). Then i've told you several times to move but your response was "?". After that i've tried to push you into the sideway before someone could crash into us. I was thinking about to give you a dangerous driving fine but i thought a low fine for causing an accident would be more suitable for the incident.

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Blacktop. - Blacktop - 2016-07-21 20:15

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

RE: angle and pete - Blacktop - 2016-07-23 09:45

Angel has been issued with a confirmable warning for failing to apologise for an accident that very easily could have been avoided.

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.