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Fluffs Warface cup - Printable Version

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Fluffs Warface cup - Huski - 2016-08-19 21:04

Hello! I'm putting My unturned nights on hold whilst I get hosting, so for now I'm starting a small warface cup for fun.

Warface (Small game description, small review and kinda dumb)

So shooters, we love them here I guess, warface is a good one for free, it can rival games graphically, now its based off the crytec engine (I dunno which one) but the damage system is weird but good, you have armour on your body, kneepads, armpads and gloves, if your hit in the webbing (Chest armour/rigging) it can soak up some of the damage, hence the armour bar, if your hit in the legs, head (But not on helmet) or arms it'll hit health, since you have no armour there.

The unlock system is fun too, its randomly generated, you get VP and XP, VP is "Vendor Points" which go to unlocking new weapons/armour/attachments, you select one to work towards, but you can also go half on one then switch as VP stays on the item it was gained on.

Teamwork is useful too, the map has "Co-op" climbs, which whilst your the person who initiates the climb you can select if you both go up, or if only the other person goes up, you get XP for it too.

Gun balancing is okay, from my opinion it seems RPM beats damage as spraying and praying is a good way to go.. However with snipers as per usual its: Semi-auto < Bolt (Whilst starting out the best bolt sniper to get is from the shop: the m-217 it does 340 damage and has a 44RPM firerate, however it is one shot one kill)

The classes:

Gun type: Assault rifles/LMGS. (You start with a m4ai which is known as the R4AI, but when you hit level 13 you get a R16 for 7 days)
Special: Can resupply own ammo and teammates
Main uses: Frontal assault/flanking

Gun type: Shotguns
Specials: Can revive teammates and heal own/teammates health
Main uses: Close quarters, slide n shoot fighting (Shift+F to slide)

Gun type: SMGS
Special: Can heal armour
Main uses: Flanking/Assault in mid to close range/ picking off snipers

Gun type: Semi-auto rifles/bolt-actions
Special: None I can find
Main use: Long range sniping.

One final thing... Warface MAY NOT be available in your country, if you know how a vpn works then there's your workaround.

THE CUP (I know it took so damn long to get here, sorry, have a smiley for reading :] )

The sub-cubs:
We will be running: 1v1's
and 8v8s

Team registration form (Send to rolodudealt on skype, thank you!)

Team name:
Team members (Warface usernames separated with , or /)
Timezone (Prefferred)
Team classes (Eg sniper:2 rifleman: 1 ect)

Solo registration:



I shall watch every match closely, if a re-match is needed so be it.
Hacking will NOT be tolerate, as is insulting, and racism (However insults through f4 and then f4 is fine as those are *Removed* hilarious)
If you're unhappy with the bracket, tell me... Its run on KDS and Matches to wins.

Warface: warface.com
VPN: google.com

REMEMBER, MATCHES ARE TO BE HELD ON EUROPE, ADD JaykeFluff as thats my username.
