[TC] Gaming Forums
Unban Request (Unban Request Denied by Dracula) - Printable Version

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Unban Request (Unban Request Denied by Dracula) - Alex. - 2016-09-08 07:28

Your LFS Username: A L e E x

Time & Date of Incident: 2016-09-08 03:51:01

Replay / Screenshot Link: none
Replay Timestamps: none

Reasons as to why you feel you deserve an unban:
Hi ,Some one report me , before 3 days i Have banned 7 days because i'm ramming and Causing extensive accidents Inadvertent , i'm join in TC CityDriving in Aug 15 2016 24 days only , I don't know the rules very clearly , unban me or Reduce the duration of banned , please .

RE: Unban Request - Dracula - 2016-09-08 07:33


I am the admin who banned you - I banned you due to your extensive crashing and what appeared to be ramming.
I will not be reverting this ban due to the seriousness of the incidents in question.

You have been playing long enough that you should have read the rules by now, and you have also received a confirm-able warning which also linked you to the rules.
You cannot use this as an excuse to break our rules.

Please read our rules by clicking on the provided link below, and make sure you do not repeat such actions when you rejoin next.  

Unban Request Denied