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Garages and withdraw system - Printable Version

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Garages and withdraw system - m52b28 - 2016-09-24 21:07

Hey guys!
So today I thought about an option, where you could sell garages, it`d be cool, the price would of course be lower than the buy price - For example 5000 or 2500.

Also, if you sometimes drive with restriction you may drive for longer time, to get better trip bonus.
Sometimes u end with a trip that is 175 or 568, or whatever. You can see the bonus in the top left corner, what do you think if it would be possible to take that bonus and reset it to 0. So if people want to disconnect they could do a command - For example !withdraw, and disconnect.

RE: Garages and withdraw system - DatBoiMonster - 2016-10-02 05:31

I like the selling garages. But i'm not sure TC would do that. It's a rather big idea and not many people go on the forum. If they were to do it though they would have to do a one time pop up message that stated something like "Update! - Blah Blah Blah you can sell garages!".

Now with the trips. It is also a pretty big add. I like the thought of your trip not being gone every time your gone for more than 30 minutes, id be cool to put certain parts of your trip away and be able to bring like only some of it back after you left. Example.

*you have a 500 bonus trip and you do !store <ammount>* (ill use 500 for this example)

*you put 500 in your "box" or whatever they would call it*

*you drive some more and then you add another !store 200*

well the more bonus the more valuable right? Right.

*you now have 700 in your "box"*

*you now leave the game to go do whatever you had to do*

i think every 30 minutes you loose 5% of whatever was in the "box". It wouldn't be there forever and once you got back you could have to drive and !store more to your "box". now there could also be another command, Example.

*you get back and you lost a % of what you had blah blah blah.*

*you now have 500 Bonus in your "box"*

*now with !donate (whatever TC would make it) can give you 75-80% of that money*

I think your on to something. Id love to see it happen.