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+ Report-Ngottini (Report Archived by Blacktop) - Printable Version

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+ Report-Ngottini (Report Archived by Blacktop) - Tris - 2016-10-10 20:47

Your LFS username:tristatron

Their LFS username(s):ngottini
Their in-game nickname(s):Ngottini

Main reason(s):Ramming me multiple times while I'm in chase and drifting RB

Replay and/or screenshot link:
Replay1: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8bJ_iJJp8t_SVdLZ1NMWEF4YzQ
Replay2: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8bJ_iJJp8t_eEZFeHkwUTlldDg

Replay timestamps:
Replay1: 23:00, 23:19, 23:23, 24:16, 24:25,24:40, 24:59, 25:18
Replay2: 2:27

Description of incident (inc date & time):10/10/2016
23:00-first off, both of them drifting RB which is against the rules
23:19- I start to chase "COANN"
23:23- I tap "JOSHNI515" by mistake causing me to hit the RB coming to a stop,
"Ngottini" drifts right into the back of me not even trying to stop then clearly
starts to follow the chase
24:16- "Ngottini" sees me and clearly aims for me, causing both me and the
suspect to spin out
24:25- I say in chat multiple times "SLOW for sirens, Don't interfere with or
follow a chase"
24:40- "Ngottini" does a u-turn on the AB and goes WW to ram me head on, at
this point the suspect starts to ram me too, I tell "Ngottini" "don't"
24:59- he clearly aims for, and rams me again
25:18- yet another ram, after that I tell him to "stop now" "or you will be
banned" (which I know I could have phrased better but i'm on a mouse so can't
talk and drive) He replies with "ookkay" and at this point my internet dies
2:27- start from here and see the conversation i had with him after i reconnect.
I basically ask him why he rammed me and he replies by saying they where all
accidents which is clearly nonsense.

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Blacktop. - Blacktop - 2016-10-14 13:31

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

RE: Report-Ngottini - Blacktop - 2016-10-14 14:47


It's obvious you tried your best in terms of talking with him, which didn't work. He shall receive a 5-day ban for maliciously ramming a police officer repeatedly in chase, after being told to stop repeatedly by you.

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.