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- Report Djez - 3.10 (Archived by Bez) - Printable Version

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- Report Djez - 3.10 (Archived by Bez) - Ryu - 2016-10-13 21:31

Your LFS username:eregonv1

Their LFS username(s):Darck.pl -
Their in-game nickname(s):Djez

Main reason(s): 3.10 - intent to harm police while in chase

Replay and/or screenshot link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9YrpA5m3xM3WUFRejlld01vTGM/view?usp=sharing

[Image: HUWqOqn.png]

Replay timestamps:

11:28 - I attempt to move ahead of him, and slow him down via block, because an ally is behind almost losing chase.

I worry that i'll get pitted so I check my brakes. when i do so he slows down and rams my side, changing my direction by atleast 10 degrees, which puts me into the barrier.. this is clear intent of harm.

Before the contact is made, look at the line of trajectory for my vehicle, you can see it is very well clear of the barrier, so this is "an accident"... heavy contact is required to move me to hit the barrier. - reference to snapshot above

If you watch the replay, his steering wheel is right all the way until AFTER major contact, in which we both fly, and my car is 100% totaled.

12:37 - he has a few choice words to my questioning of intent to his actions...

Description of incident (inc date & time):10/13/2016

- note - I understand in certain situations this maneuver ( without this amount of force used to create it ) is a grey line for reports, its dirty, but in some cases like a block for example that would've caused this, id be fine with, but this was 100% intentional, as well as i had no chance to hit the barrier myself by my line.

RE: Report Djez - 3.10 - Dzej - 2016-10-13 22:12

So you really did report me instead of clear everything up by talking with me?

Form my defense - As I said, It was clearly for me (in that siutation) that when you disappeared in my rear mirror, and went somewhere to the right - you are going to push me in tail to crash me into that barrier. It wasnt just my imagination, becasue it happens very often in long chases with me.

You were driving with car on slick tires, and mine tires was pretty hot. So I decided to slow down a bit, to (hopefuly) align with you, and turned on your side (not full steer as you said. I can provide replay if it's needed), to make you unable to PIT, by overcoming your force on me, that I thought you are going to put on my car.

And as I guessed, you were going at my line (explain why did you do that, if you really didnt want to PIT me. For safety? I dont think so) and we just met too hard, as it happens in fast chases.

I think we could explain that between each other, without involving admins. But you actually logged out without a word in the middle of conversation. Not nice.

Of course I'm sorry for that how it ended. I will watch out more at next chases.

And to be clear - I understand that every push on barier (without exceptions who and when he/she does that) should be reported?


RE: Report Djez - 3.10 - Ryu - 2016-10-13 22:22

I attempted to speak with you on the matter and all you had were cocky remarks, completely the opposite that you have above, your first remark is even in the replay. No less in 3.10 you are to avoid damage to a cop if at all possible, even I knew that pitting in that situation is dangerous, i try not to pit against a barrier unless its a 30m+ chase, as its a very dirty move... the only thing i WAS going to do here was go ahead of you , and block your path on the wrong way side, and hopefully let my ally catch up and assist... Even after your hit he proceeded to fall back seeing what happened, and chose not to continue the chase do to your actions.

As far as the "not full steer like you said" go watch the replay yourself one more time.

No less this maneuver you attempted was unsafe, and semi high speeds as you said yourself, so in your perspective this was a very risky maneuver which DID end up badly for you. If a PIT was intended, it was in no way a good one at all.

You have broken 3.10 on intent for harm, via an unsafe "attempt" at a pit, which resulted in a severe incident, If you did not intend this, insted of say sorry why say the "U mad" " lol" and not let us both repair because of the unintentional mishap that occurred, but continue to run?..

Please think before you take actions...

~~ Requesting Lock of Topic till Review ~~

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Bez. - Bez - 2016-10-14 13:47

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

Hello Ryu,

The move Dzej used against you has been deemed acceptable use of force to evade police. This move can also be used vice versa. Using your car to guide another COP or Robber into a barrier is allowed.

Therefore no action will be taken.

No action has been taken for reasons described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.