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Xuiri (Unban Request Denied by BP) - Printable Version

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Xuiri (Unban Request Denied by BP) - Xuiri - 2016-10-14 22:17

Your LFS Username: Xuiri

● Time & Date of Incident 10/14/2016 @19:00

● Replay / Screenshot Link:N/A
● Replay Timestamps:N/A

● Reasons as to why you feel you deserve an unban: I was banned for being linked to another account, when I only have one? I recently started playing TC after being on drift servers for a while, and all was well, I tried to join today and now I am perm-banned..... I have done nothing wrong to an extent to be banned at all to my knowledge.

Status: Administrator Notified. Updated by: Pete. - Pete - 2016-10-15 04:48

The admin who issued the original ban has been notified and will reply shortly.

RE: Xuiri - BP - 2016-10-15 14:59

What is your relationship with mazdamx3 / iminivan?

RE: Xuiri - Xuiri - 2016-10-15 15:14

I have been speaking with Blacktop on this issue, and as I have not been playing for very long, I do not know of anyone that goes by those names, I first joined TC in September of 2014, played for a short while, then went back to Rfactor, I was recommended LFS by a friend on Rfactor who goes by the name Dmi Arctic, then once Assetto came out, we moved to there, now just about a month or two ago, both Rfactor and Assetto servers have been very scarce, so I came back to LFS, started driving on TC, was loving it, then bam, perm banned for being linked to two accounts I have never heard of.

RE: Xuiri - BP - 2016-10-15 15:31

To clarify, mazdamx3 is definitely linked to iminivan.

Now, we think you're (Xuiri) linked to both of them because of the fact:
- Xuiri has IP match/es with both of those users
- Xuiri has nickname match/es with both of these users. "Minivan" and "HaiNicole" - ring any bells?
- Both Xuiri and mazdamx3 have played on "Clutch Kickerz Drift Server" and "[TZ]Show Drifting" in the last 30 days.

I find it hard to believe that you've never heard of those accounts...

RE: Xuiri - Xuiri - 2016-10-15 15:40

My driver names on my only account, being this one, are XS -Minivan, which is my drift team name, Sileightyslides, which I use on TC, and HaiNicole, which is my Fiance's driver name, but she doesn't play often, as she has only played once or twice. I went over all this with Blacktop, speak with him for any further issues, at this point, I will be repeating everything I have already said. It's respectable that you want to keep potential hackers/ban evaders out, and for obvious reasons, but come on, I haven't done anything except cruise clean and had a good time..
p.s If anyone has used those names other than me, they are either pretending to be me, or by some miraculous coincidence, came up with the name also.

RE: Xuiri - BP - 2016-10-15 15:45

So you can't explain those IP matches?

RE: Xuiri - Xuiri - 2016-10-15 15:49

Like I explained to Blacktop, I am a full time mechanic, I know how to turn on and off my computer, and thats about it, I don't know how to copy an IP, or whatever the case, as far as I know, in this very small town that I live in, I am the only one who plays LFS, and I am not playing the dumb card here, I am being honest. Like I told Blacktop, I wouldn't keep trying to argue the matter if it wasn't something I cared about.

RE: Xuiri - BP - 2016-10-15 16:09

I spoke to Blacktop and it seems no more new information can be offered. Neither of us think your story is particularly believable.

Just had a brief look at your chatlog and at a first glance all I can see is insulting and swearing, which of course doesn't fall in your favour.

If you want to make an unban appeal, you're free to.

Unban Request Denied