[TC] Gaming Forums
[Code 1] Code1 - Printable Version

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Code1 - Danger - 2016-12-11 21:27

● Your LFS Username:sevaz111
● Time & Date of Incident : 12/11/2016
● Replay / Screenshot Link: n/a
● Replay Timestamps: n/a

● Reasons as to why you feel you deserve an unban:
i got ban becuase i forget to close the VPN , as you know Teamspeak is blocked in S.A and we have to use VPN to enter it. sorry for all this, Thanks~

Code1 (Country Unlocked and Unbanned by Pete) - Pete - 2016-12-11 21:32

Your account has been unlocked and will be unbanned shortly.

Please respond to this thread in future cases of Code 1 bans or country changes rather than posting a new thread. This will help administrators swiftly deal with any further cases.

code 1 - Danger - 2016-12-29 08:30

Your LFS Username:sevaz111

Replay / Screenshot Link: n/a
Replay Timestamps: n/a

Reasons as to why you feel you deserve an unban:
i got ban becuase i forget to close the VPN , as you know Teamspeak is blocked in S.A and we have to use VPN to enter it. sorry for all this, Thanks~

RE: code 1 - Engine - 2016-12-29 08:35

future reference... as you've been told before post in this thread and make no more threads


Administrator Message by: BP

Appreciate you helping, but as per the forum rules, please do not post in these threads. You can PM them instead.

RE: Code1 - BP - 2016-12-30 12:18

Merged your threads. Your ban is expired, but next time please:
- Remember to turn VPN off before joining our servers
- Use THIS thread