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Admins. - Printable Version

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Admins. - Engine - 2016-12-29 17:46

I lied. I'm sorry. Ice, I am those accounts. I thought coming out would be worse for my situation... I effed up.

I really enjoy the TC Servers. to be fair it was quite a bit of time before I decided to do something dumb and make another account. I'm sorry my behaviour went craphouse again soon after.

RE: Admins. - Adam - 2016-12-29 17:57

k man good to know

RE: Admins. - Thomas - 2016-12-29 17:58

Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time.

Cya in a year Smile

RE: Admins. - Deaky - 2016-12-29 18:05

Honesty will always be rewarded.

RE: Admins. - Ras - 2016-12-29 18:07

It's funny that you tell the truth now that you got your punishment. It's a shame that you couldn't have just been real with us. You had the chance to.

We will welcome you back in the future, though.

RE: Admins. - Engine - 2016-12-29 18:14

I F***ed up severely. I really did. After reading numerous reports I'd believed that getting caught on a second account ban evading would be a permanant ban, but after speaking to Pete it would've been easier to come out in the first place. I'm really really sorry I wasted your time, I really didn't think the whole team was going to be looking into this. my frame of mind was "if I tell the truth I'll be in mega trouble" so I kept to my story. if I'd knew and understood the rules better what would've been better in the long run I honestly would've come out.

I'm Tylerrrr
I'm ifailinmanyways
I'm Statgear

last of all I'm an absolute moron. [TC] was like my home when I first joined, I know my URS isn't the best but it's a place I could relax.. and when I couldn't play it just made my days worse. I'm currently unable to get a job so I tried to find something to do all day... [TC] was the answer and when I was banned that just disstraught me. I tried every attemtp I could to get unbanned without luck. Now being banned for ban evading well yeah I thought I would end up worse if I came out.. You need to understand that going through my mind, I didn't want to be honest as I believed it to be the wrong thing.

(2016-12-29 18:07)Ras Wrote:  It's funny that you tell the truth now that you got your punishment. It's a shame that you couldn't have just been real with us. You had the chance to.

We will welcome you back in the future, though.

I'm asking to be welcome backed now.. If you let me in I'll be better than better. I'll do whatever you say.

and before you ask, no I'm not some psycho who is challenged, due to my lying. It's the way I thought from the reports I'd read.

RE: Admins. - Brad - 2016-12-29 18:36

I do feel for you however, equally, we need to treat everyone fairly.

If someone comes clean straight away before they're caught red-handed, then we respect that and naturally the punishment is more lenient. However there is little grace in apologising after you're caught red-handed.

All i'd say is this should be taken as a lesson. Move on, and join back in future.

RE: Admins. - Engine - 2016-12-29 18:37

I knew I was caught red handed, but my frame of mind around the ban evading rule was mis-understood, from my understanding of reading it was better to lie than come clean, I believed I'd get a lengthier ban coming clean.

RE: Admins. - Titan - 2016-12-29 18:49

You should accept the punishment and good,
You should know the real life is more important.
You can actually be glad the TC admins have only issued a year ban.
And also it is money to buy two acc to buy!
It is a pity to see that you have not learned from it

see you a year

RE: Admins. - Engine - 2016-12-29 19:01

Titan, it was a mis-understanding of the rules that lead me to not come clean otherwise I would have. In my mind it was imprinted that if caught ban evading, I'd receive a much lengthier ban. I knew I screwed up from the moment I got caught out.

RE: Admins. - Carl - 2016-12-29 19:05

Well let's hope you won't cause any bother to the community when you come back next year, see you soon. Smile

RE: Admins. - Ash - 2016-12-29 19:08

Not to any benefit to yourself, however it is great to know that we as administrators have the ability and skills to correctly identify and thoroughly investigate people trying to avoid a system despite how much they claim they are not.

RE: Admins. - Borja - 2016-12-29 19:21


Lucky that you didn't joined Santa Boo event, or I would had to give you lots of coal.

RE: Admins. - GT4tube - 2016-12-29 19:26

@StatGear just bad luck.


RE: Admins. - Engine - 2016-12-29 19:51

If you guys had my thoughts and everything, you would probably do the same thing.

RE: Admins. - Thomas - 2016-12-29 20:00

I doubt it.

The truth always gets you the furthest in life.

RE: Admins. - Adam - 2016-12-29 20:00

I wouldn't... I don't think i would spend that much money on LFS just to play TC. That is £72... you could almost get 2 years of iRacing for that.

RE: Admins. - Engine - 2016-12-29 20:02

@K_badam, I originally had ifailinmanyways(didn't get banned) had the license transferred to Tylerrrr thanks to the Devs, then they kindly did it a few months down the road again for me which is how StatGear came to be.

RE: Admins. - Yukine - 2016-12-29 20:31

If you're honest and not aggressive, you will see that most of the people here can only give you good things.
There's some exceptions, of course. But they are only a tiny slice of everybody here.

From experience, I can tell that I easily make and, or say stupid things when I'm under pressure.
Yet, I try to stay honest. There's no win to lie with people who are good.
If I make a mistake, no wonder of the gravity of it, I act in consequences.

We all make mistakes. We are all human here (correct me if I am wrong).

That's a lesson, I hope you will learn from it.

Looking forward for your comeback in good conditions.

RE: Admins. - Frozen - 2016-12-29 20:35

You are welcome back in a year. Come back and prove us that you really changed, that will make the difference. For now all you can do is face the consequences of your acts.

We are all human, we all make mistakes, but we do not learn from them in 1 day. Let it sink and use this to learn and improve the next time.