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+ Report - Lukey747 (Report Archived by Savy) - Printable Version

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+ Report - Lukey747 (Report Archived by Savy) - Roba - 2012-03-24 16:25

My UserName: -Roba-

Their UserName: Lukey747
Their NickName: Luke W[COP]

Replay: http://speedy.sh/Yg53R/Luke-W.mpr


~ 3:11:53.XX - Starts following chase. (not on the chase)

~ 3:12:28.XX - Hits Virgie. (not on the chase)

~ 3:12:40.XX - Goes after Virgie again, tries to block guy overtaking the chase, causing him to loose control and go off the road without control. (not on the chase)

~ 3:12:52.XX - Hit's Virgie again. (not on the chase)

~ 3:12:57.XX - Interferes into boxing Virgie. (not on the chase)

~ 3:13:12.XX - I use my bind "Luke W [COP] - Do NOT follow/overtake/interfere chases! Kick/Ban Possible!" as I checked that only 3 cops are in the chase, not including him. He ignored that.

~ 3:13:37.XX - Tries to bust virgie, as he wasn't able he notices it was wrong chase.

Reason for report: Interfering other chase. He had plenty of time and got warning from me about it, but seemed to ignore. This is not usual mistake at all, and very unlikely to happend to anyone who actually reads which chase they joined in.

Report - Lukey747 - Savy - 2012-03-24 17:09

This report is being looked into. Please be patient.

RE: Report - Lukey747 - Savy - 2012-03-25 18:15

User has lost his cop rights for this and another user report, thanks for the report.

Action has been taken as described.

Thank you for your report.

It has now been moved to the archives.