[TC] Gaming Forums
+ report elgin (Approved by Ash) - Printable Version

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+ report elgin (Approved by Ash) - Ezzaa - 2017-02-20 14:38

he pulls me over im a med he says im speeding i was doing 99 in a 135mph area and i have proof it said it was a 135 are for mph
i was also fined this user is useless cant even read
Proof https://gyazo.com/011ddbe39b84ebb3cb442a362b31d0a9

RE: report elgin - Ash - 2017-02-20 15:05

Will investigate this as a potential Insim bug, as far as I was aware, that part of the road is 135KPH and not MPH even though it says it on your screenshot.

Administrator Message by: Ash

Thread moved into Refund Requests due to a bug with the speed limit conversions on Highway Two South

Refund Request Approved
The refund transaction will be processed and we will notify you when completed.

RE: + report elgin (Approved by Ash) - BP - 2017-02-26 13:30

Since this is a bug and not necessarily your fault, nor the cop's, we don't really want to fine the cop, so I'll just give you the fine of 80 InSim Euro myself. It is a very small amount of money and not really worth wasting any time over in the first place.

As a side-note, you'll be banned from the server for a horrible attitude/swearing etc.

Refund Processed
This refund request has now been successfully completed and will now be archived.