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+ report two players (Report Archived by Ice) - Printable Version

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+ report two players (Report Archived by Ice) - Titan - 2017-03-27 10:20

Your LFS username:CRC Titan2000

Their LFS username(s):dm7o7 / kingtmem
Their in-game nickname(s):dm7o7 / king_tmem

Main reason(s):no respect for siren and ram with overtake chase and block bla bla bla Smile

Replay and/or screenshot link:


Replay timestamps:

begin 3:08:45

dm7o7 over take chase and no respect siren with no sorry

second chase dm7o7 for no respect siren and overtake chase

king_tmem ram me in my ass

3:09:45 block me in my chase

Both players show that the rules do not matter to them

Description of incident (inc date & time): 27:03:2017 12:18pm utc berlin

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Ice. - Ice - 2017-03-27 11:34

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

User dm7o7 will receive a 5 day ban for ignoring sirens and crashing into COP in chase while failing to apologise for his action(s).

User kingtmem will receive a confirmable in-game warning for purposefully blocking a COP in chase.

Thank you for the report

Action has been taken as described
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.