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+ Report - Ernestas- (Report Archived by Ice) - Printable Version

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+ Report - Ernestas- (Report Archived by Ice) - Adrian - 2017-06-16 11:31

Your LFS username: 9XxAdrianxX9

Their LFS username(s): Ernestas-
Their in-game nickname(s): Drifter.lt-Ernestas

Main reason(s): Ramming, drifting at roundabout, overtaking chase

Replay and/or screenshot link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B76ZGcVLxc9HUnM4dHg1Y3JSOVk
Replay timestamps:
13:38 - Ramming civilian car. When I asked about reason (after chase) he said to make this car spin and crash into me
24:30 - Drifting at roundabout
25:50 - Overtaking chase even after me warning him about it twice
29:20 - Drifting at roundabout

Description of incident (inc date & time): Today (16.06) about 12:00 UTC+1. My first attempt to talk to him was from 18:35, here I warned him that his next breach of rule will result in report. Second time was at 27:00.

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Ice. - Ice - 2017-06-19 08:42

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

User will serve a 10 day ban after clearly not giving a damn about the rules after he "supposedly" read them.

Action has been taken as described
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.