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- UNBAN REQUEST (Unban Request Denied by BP) - Printable Version

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- UNBAN REQUEST (Unban Request Denied by BP) - FurkanAydın - 2017-06-23 09:23

- LFS Username: FurkanAydn

- Time & Date of Incident: 2017-07-06 19:07:52

- Replay / Screenshot Link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/0r6213dexwx8o18/unban+request.rar
(Skip to end 4:04 )

- Reasons as to why you think you deserve an unban and why you feel your unban request was unfairly denied: First of hello, im playing 1-2 months on [TC]. I was did not break the rules and I was never warned because im didn't break the rules, but yesterday there has been a mistake.
3LOSH came to server, say 'sa', and i say 'as'. So 3LOSH and me say hello. After, I wanted to make a joke and İ say in main chat 'iç şarabı, sik arabı' so 'drink wine, f*** arab'. Yes, i know this sentence are Turkish language, and i know, i should speaking English in main chat, but, It happened with the mistake, im hundreds of apologize to 3LOSH, but he said 'too late' so he is reported me. after [TC] BP is came. he asked what I meant this sentence. after, he said me, 'Send me pm message, be polite' but I didn't see it. and i say in main chat 'drink wine f*** arab' he said 'ok cool'. And he banned me 14day, reason, 'Offensive comment/not speaking English in main' BUT, HE DİDN'T WARNED ME ,AND I HAVE NEVER BEEN ALERTED TO İN [TC] CİTYDRİVİNG SERVER

RE: UNBAN REQUEST - BP - 2017-06-23 09:39

I have acknowledged your request
Please be patient during this review, I will reply in due course.

Some of your facts are slightly muddled up there, I'll post the relevant logs starting from when I asked you what you mean.

With the ban length, I didn't take into account the 'translation' (which you should've PM'd) - only the initial, non-English, offensive comment which you put in main chat. It looks like it was meant to go in channel chat but you failed, so it's your fault and you're being held responsible.

2017-06-22 19:07:53 UTC     One (Kyoto)     *HOST*     GMP·FurkanCT was banned by [TC]›BP‹
2017-06-22 19:07:49 UTC     One (Kyoto)     boypower     [TC]›BP‹ : chat*
2017-06-22 19:07:48 UTC     One (Kyoto)     boypower     [TC]›BP‹ : GMP·FurkanCT - well, you'll be banned for that remark. also speak english in main c
2017-06-22 19:07:40 UTC     One (Kyoto)     FurkanAydn     GMP·FurkanCT : :D
2017-06-22 19:07:27 UTC     One (Kyoto)     boypower     [TC]›BP‹ : i did say pm me but ye
2017-06-22 19:07:14 UTC     One (Kyoto)     boypower     [TC]›BP‹ : ok
2017-06-22 19:07:11 UTC     One (Kyoto)     FurkanAydn     GMP·FurkanCT : drink wine, [b][color=red]*Removed*[/color][/b] arab :'(
2017-06-22 19:07:04 UTC     One (Kyoto)     boypower     [TC]›BP‹ : pm me and be honest
2017-06-22 19:06:59 UTC     One (Kyoto)     FurkanAydn     GMP·FurkanCT : aaa
2017-06-22 19:06:50 UTC     One (Kyoto)     boypower     [TC]›BP‹ : GMP·FurkanCT - what did you mean by that message earlier?
2017-06-22 19:06:49 UTC     One (Kyoto)     boypower     [TC]›BP‹ : ok cool
2017-06-22 19:06:43 UTC     One (Kyoto)     FurkanAydn     GMP·FurkanCT : this is joking sry :D
2017-06-22 19:06:35 UTC     One (Kyoto)     boypower     [TC]›BP‹ : GMP·FurkanCT - what did you mean by that message earlier?

Also, the name "GMP·Furkan" or similar, has been used quite a bit among various LFS accounts on [TC]. Which other accounts do you have?

RE: UNBAN REQUEST - FurkanAydın - 2017-06-23 09:53

(2017-06-23 09:39)BP Wrote:  
I have acknowledged your request
Please be patient during this review, I will reply in due course.

Some of your facts are slightly muddled up there, I'll post the relevant logs starting from when I asked you what you mean.

With the ban length, I didn't take into account the 'translation' (which you should've PM'd) - only the initial, non-English, offensive comment which you put in main chat. It looks like it was meant to go in channel chat but you failed, so it's your fault and you're being held responsible.

2017-06-22 19:07:53 UTC     One (Kyoto)     *HOST*     GMP·FurkanCT was banned by [TC]›BP‹
2017-06-22 19:07:49 UTC     One (Kyoto)     boypower     [TC]›BP‹ : chat*
2017-06-22 19:07:48 UTC     One (Kyoto)     boypower     [TC]›BP‹ : GMP·FurkanCT - well, you'll be banned for that remark. also speak english in main c
2017-06-22 19:07:40 UTC     One (Kyoto)     FurkanAydn     GMP·FurkanCT : :D
2017-06-22 19:07:27 UTC     One (Kyoto)     boypower     [TC]›BP‹ : i did say pm me but ye
2017-06-22 19:07:14 UTC     One (Kyoto)     boypower     [TC]›BP‹ : ok
2017-06-22 19:07:11 UTC     One (Kyoto)     FurkanAydn     GMP·FurkanCT : drink wine, [b][color=red]*Removed*[/color][/b] arab :'(
2017-06-22 19:07:04 UTC     One (Kyoto)     boypower     [TC]›BP‹ : pm me and be honest
2017-06-22 19:06:59 UTC     One (Kyoto)     FurkanAydn     GMP·FurkanCT : aaa
2017-06-22 19:06:50 UTC     One (Kyoto)     boypower     [TC]›BP‹ : GMP·FurkanCT - what did you mean by that message earlier?
2017-06-22 19:06:49 UTC     One (Kyoto)     boypower     [TC]›BP‹ : ok cool
2017-06-22 19:06:43 UTC     One (Kyoto)     FurkanAydn     GMP·FurkanCT : this is joking sry :D
2017-06-22 19:06:35 UTC     One (Kyoto)     boypower     [TC]›BP‹ : GMP·FurkanCT - what did you mean by that message earlier?

Also, the name "GMP·Furkan" or similar, has been used quite a bit among various LFS accounts on [TC]. Which other accounts do you have?
username is 'FurkanAydn', this is my s2 account. 'DrftrStenclow' my friend's account, i used my friend's account 5-6 months ago.
But, i apologize in main chat and 3LOSH, ıt happened by mistake, Please forgive this time Sad

RE: UNBAN REQUEST - BP - 2017-06-23 09:56


It's a generally offensive comment, and would not just be offensive to 3losh.

Please be careful what you say in the server next time.

I do not feel a warning was necessary - these are very basic rules.
I also feel you should serve the full ban.

Thanks for your time, though.

Unban Request Denied
Please read our terms & conditions if you wish to appeal this ban.