[TC] Gaming Forums
+ KARTSLALOM VICEMASTER(goettler) (Report Archived by BP) - Printable Version

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+ KARTSLALOM VICEMASTER(goettler) (Report Archived by BP) - Barney - 2017-07-20 13:11

Your LFS username: smirkysmoke

Their LFS username(s): goettler
Their in-game nickname(s): KARTSLALOM VICEMASTER

Main reason(s): escaping oob from chase

Replay and/or screenshot link: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=76559530958273350159
Replay timestamps: 21:40

Description of incident (20.07. - 12:55): User is an annoyance since days and fully aware of the rules. Goofs around all over the road(throughout this complete replay aswell), trying to escape through fences and gaps.

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: BP. - BP - 2017-07-21 16:50

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

Replay clearly shows him glitching through a fence/going out of bounds during chase. He does not care about any messages directed to him, and even lied saying that it was an accident. Escaped due to this.

One week ban issued due to generally poor URS.

Action has been taken as described
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.