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Scripts - Printable Version

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Scripts - Stunna - 2012-04-05 15:38

Alright with the new rules being out is anyone good at making scripts? I've got the out dated one from last time I was wondering how I can edit it or even better if someone already made a new one?

RE: Scripts - McGherkin - 2012-04-05 15:43

I'm alright with scripts.

I think Nitros made the scripts last time.

They just open with notepad.

The rules scripts are text only anyway, so they shouldn't be that hard to edit.


EDIT: Colours are changed by typing ^ followed by a number.
^1red ^2green ^3yellow ^4dark blue ^5pink ^6light blue ^7white ^8grey ^9default ^0black

RE: Scripts - Adampower - 2012-04-05 16:56

Open up in notepad, copy the new rules in for the old rules, simples.

RE: Scripts - Pete - 2012-04-05 18:22

Not quite, Adam. They need to be condensed so that they are short enough for binds.

RE: Scripts - Adampower - 2012-04-05 21:04

Only bind you need: TC are awesome, worship them like gods.

Joke, that would be rather naiive. That's a very fair point lamp.

RE: Scripts - Elmo - 2012-04-08 15:22

(2012-04-05 15:43)McGherkin Wrote:  EDIT: Colours are changed by typing ^ followed by a number.
^1red ^2green ^3yellow ^4dark blue ^5pink ^6light blue ^7white ^8grey ^9default ^0black

^8 is default colour and also resets the character codepage to latin1
^9 is default colour only

Ed: Oh, and it's ^4 blue, ^5 magenta, ^6 cyan

Ed 2:
There shouldn't be that much broken with the old scripts, because we've tried to keep the numbers and approx content consistent where possible. Many probably do need rewording though.

RE: Scripts - Stunna - 2012-04-12 16:40

Has anyone been able to make a new updated script and is willing to share it? Smile

RE: Scripts - Lewis - 2012-04-13 00:07

I am working on one now

EDIT: Here you go guys http://forum.city-driving.co.uk/showthread.php?tid=2832