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+ Homem do drift (Report Archived by Dan) - Printable Version

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+ Homem do drift (Report Archived by Dan) - eVo - 2017-08-08 20:11

Hello there, it's eVo.

Quote:Your LFS username: passiontul

Their LFS username(s): youre goin down
Their in-game nickname(s): Homem do drift

Main reason(s): helping to stop the suspect, ramming twice intentionnaly.

Replay and/or screenshot link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxQiiNegC3AAZkh0UnpkODFyQUk/view?usp=sharing (this contains the MPR file)
Replay timestamps: 23:20 to 25:05 (for helping to stop the suspect) + 26:50 to 29:15 (rammings)

Description of incident (inc date & time): 08/08 2017, ~18 h 30 GMT, on CityDrving Two.
As you see firstly, when I was in chase at Storage Yard (and a bit before at Industry Lane), he tried to stop the suspect, and I was the only cop in this chase. When the suspect was busted, I told to Homem do drift that he musn't help cops to catch the suspect, "as written in the rules" (I wrote that in the game). I wanted to report him then but he excused so I did not.
Just after that, I went to the pits at Storage Yard, he was just behind me and he pushed so rammed me intentionnaly, as to take me out of the pits. Then, I chased him in order to show him to not ram, and he said I am an idiot (you can see this in the chat), but I hadn't give a fine. So I went between two boxes to report him, but he rammed me again. Once again I chased him and this time I gave him a 50 € fine for dangerous driving, he paid it.

I hope this will help you about my report. Thank you.

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Dan. - Dan - 2017-08-09 11:57

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.


The player will be issued with a confirmable warning detailing his wrong doings: ramming, interfering with a chase and poor language.

~ TC

Action has been taken as described
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.