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+ Report [ Tech-Samet ] (Report Archived by Carl) - Printable Version

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+ Report [ Tech-Samet ] (Report Archived by Carl) - Ryu - 2017-10-15 18:00

Your LFS username:

Their LFS username(s): erensozer41
Their in-game nickname(s): M-TECHNICAL' SAMET

Main reason(s): Ramming / Intentional Damage to Cop

Replay and/or screenshot link:


[Image: Screenshot_408.png]

Replay timestamps:
38:46.96 - I attempt to pit him, hits mid body and he hits the wall..
Right after he doesnt attempt countersteer and steers directly to me max lock.. then smashing me into the wall, causing me to flip.... He is also a mouse user so there's no excuse for "FFB Reaction".

Description of incident (inc date & time):
1:50pm EST 10/15/2017

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Carl. - Carl - 2017-10-15 20:07

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

RE: Report [ Tech-Samet ] - Carl - 2017-10-15 22:19

To start, had your PIT maneuver had the right amount of force and angle, it's highly likely that this outcome would be very different. You might have even flipped him over the railings so in future make sure to have enough space and not pit against walls. You should wait for a safe opportunity so that you don't endanger yourself or the suspect, which in this case you did endanger both.

Because of your maneuver, samet tried to resist the force you used against him, however I believe it was very harsh and if the roles were reversed I don't think he would appreciate that kind of treatment either.

So to conclude, erensozer41 will receive a warning for using too much force in chase mode.

Related Rule
Quote:3.10. Force
You are permitted to use minor force/physical contact to evade arrest, but no more than the force cops are permitted to use on you.

Action has been taken as described
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.