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+ sl6ooon (Report Archived by Carl) - Printable Version

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+ sl6ooon (Report Archived by Carl) - Adorable - 2018-09-05 16:05

Your LFS username: racerss

Their LFS username(s): sl6ooon
Their in-game nickname(s): 1FZ|S

Main reason(s): Breach of rules: 1.1 / 1.7

Replay and/or screenshot link:
Replay timestamps: Replay start => 7:30:00: drag racing, drifting on HW, evades a chase by going into spectator mode.

8:37:00 - Offensive number plate #1

9:31:00 - Parking at HW1, 0 kph speed.

10:27:00 - Blasts through a RB, apologizes however.

11:20:00 - Arab Drifting?

20:50:00 - Asked to change his number plate; Offensive number plate #2 at 20:59:00

Description of incident (inc date & time): (5/9/2018 - 3PM UTC+1) Player was wearing an offensive name plate containing swear words, when asked to change it, you can see what he did in the 2nd timestamp/discord screenshots.

May I also note that this guy has been around as of 2011, has 500 hours of gameplay and not too recently me and [TC]>Carl< have been involved in a dilemma with him.

It appears that he has been visiting the servers quite heavily lately, so I guess a day or two off will teach him a good lesson.

RE: sl6ooon - forcHma - 2018-09-05 18:59

2 days ago, this person drive at light post(RED) full acceleration, hit me, stop , i want to start chase for causing accident, but avoid it and go to spectate. Come second time WW light post (RED), i want start chase, but he leave quickly server. I dont save replay because server crash, but for this person NO RULES.

Administrator Message by: Carl

3.2. Only admins and users involved - including people who can supply evidence which may alter the outcome of the case - may post in threads within the Server Administration Tasks forum and its sub-forums.

RE: sl6ooon - SL6oOoN - 2018-09-05 21:42

it wasn't just me racing and parking at highway, there's too players did that.
and for forcHma, i didn't do anything like that, if you have the replay show us.

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Carl. - Carl - 2018-09-07 10:52

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

RE: sl6ooon - Carl - 2018-09-07 11:18

Some things that you mentioned here could have been left out, however I agree with most of what you said. It's clear that he did pit to avoid being chased by you. He did have an offensive license plate and when you asked him nicely to change it, he changed it to another offensive plate, presumably aimed towards you. I also seen that he slowed down for the roadblock, but then decided to full speed ram through it, I don't see why he's apologising when his actions are clearly intentional. Although the damage dealt wasn't that significant, it's this kind of behavior that disrupts the gameplay of others and is not acceptable.

Quote:1.2. Do not crash or ram other cars deliberately.
This includes negligent and reckless driving, provoking accidents, for example blocking the track, doing stunts or doughnuts on the road and so on.

sl6ooon has been banned for the reasons mentioned above.

Action has been taken as described
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.