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Photo's from Iceland - Printable Version

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Photo's from Iceland - Tommer - 2012-05-05 18:11

As people from my team/training team may know, I went to Iceland for a little while, not so long ago, I finally got around to uploading my photo's to Tumblr if you're interested in what's to see in Iceland Smile


- Tommer

RE: Photo's from Iceland - McGherkin - 2012-05-05 18:19

Awesome, always wanted to go there.

Was everything super expensive there? Used to be.

RE: Photo's from Iceland - Tommer - 2012-05-05 18:34

Yeah it was.. I added some new photo's now btw for people who looked early

RE: Photo's from Iceland - Stevo - 2012-05-05 21:27

Nice Tommer, looks pretty cool! Bet was. Nice experience