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Gumball 2019 - Find a Team! - Printable Version

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Gumball 2019 - Find a Team! - Ras - 2019-07-15 16:12

[Image: threadtitleimagev2-1.png]


Please use this thread to show an interest in joining a team or to recruit drivers for your team.

[Image: people.png] Recruiting Drivers

Please note that teams will not be official until you register them from Tuesday 16th July 18:00 UTC+1. Every member of a team must have a skin with the same base design (Subtle details can be different like car numbers and colours but the core design must be the same per team). If you want to advertise positions in you team please use the following template and remember to explain which challenges you're doing and whether you're going for the win or if you're just in it for fun.

Here's an example of how you could recruit drivers:

Example team recruitment post Wrote:[Image: walri-v2-icon.png]

Team Name: Team Walri
Team Members (4/5): Viper [viper_fifer], Howlin [HOWLINmad22], Elmo [Degats], Pete [MButcher]
Primary Car: FZ5 [Skin link here]
Secondary Car: FXO [Skin link here]
Class competing in: Class 3

Notes: We're looking for 1 more driver who is doing the Gumball primarily to have a good time and not necessarily to win anything. If you think you'd like to drive with us please drop any of us a PM on the forum or post in this thread.


Team Name:
Team Members (1/5):
Primary Car:
Secondary Car:
Prefered class to compete in:


[Image: car.png] Finding a team

If you're submitting a request to join a team, be descriptive and state your aims for the Gumball.

Here's an example of a team search:

Example post Wrote:LFS Username: MyUsername
Desired Car(s): FZ5, FXO, Anything if I must

Notes: I won't have much time to drive so I'm just going to be in it for a laugh. I will be able to drive for most of the opening weekend so if any teams want to go for the opening weekend challenge consider recruiting me. I will also try to complete the Stages challenge and will be competing in all of the Special Events.