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Facebook tests 'pay to promote post' tool - Printable Version

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Facebook tests 'pay to promote post' tool - Hexta - 2012-05-12 06:11

Facebook are going to introduce a 'pay to promote' tool, which basically the business, or user pays a fee to get their post highlighted at the top of your feeds.

[Image: 6904719.jpg]

"Different methods of highlighting posts were being tested, said the spokesperson. These would see a range of charges being levied to make posts more visible. Comments on the tests suggest the highest price being charged was £1.25 ($2) while others cost 25p or 50p." - BBC News

The rapid growth of facebook has finally started to slow down in the last 6 months which was expected to be fair, nothing lasts forever. Myspace is a good example of that. Would you pay to have your post highlighted in your friends feed? What would you do if a business page you had liked was promoting their page and it was constantly in your news feed? Unlike it. I think so.

I guess the advertising revenue and facebook credit scheme isn't enough for them. I think they'll rake it in from this but I'm not personally keen on the idea.


BBC News - Facebook tests 'pay to promote post' tool
Facebook running test for highlighted posts | Stuff.co.nz

RE: Facebook tests 'pay to promote post' tool - Nipper - 2012-05-12 11:40

Another reason to add to my list of why facebook sucks. Thank you. Smile

RE: Facebook tests 'pay to promote post' tool - Crille - 2012-05-12 11:47

It's so ridiculous. Who would use this service? Attentionwhoremuch?

RE: Facebook tests 'pay to promote post' tool - Tommer - 2012-05-12 11:58

Tumblr does the same thing. That's probably where they got the idea from. If people start using this then i'm afraid i'm gonna have to block some Friends..

RE: Facebook tests 'pay to promote post' tool - Roba - 2012-05-12 12:01

I agree with what Tommer said..

This is just ridiculous, I think I'm gonna quit Facebook for good soon.

RE: Facebook tests 'pay to promote post' tool - Malibu - 2012-05-12 12:02

I can imagine it being helpful if you're sending out invitations or something via Facebook..

RE: Facebook tests 'pay to promote post' tool - ChrisM - 2012-05-12 13:57

Just another reason that supports why I've never been on facebook, ever.

RE: Facebook tests 'pay to promote post' tool - Audiojack - 2012-05-12 14:45

Just as expected, really. I don't care. Laugh

RE: Facebook tests 'pay to promote post' tool - James - 2012-05-12 19:44

Not too bothered, never have been by Facebook. I have it but nothing that has been in the news about it has, security issues etc. I dont give it anything I should worry about so I dont need to worry.