[TC] Gaming Forums
- Banned for nothing (Unban Request Denied by Adrian) - Printable Version

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- Banned for nothing (Unban Request Denied by Adrian) - Joz - 2019-09-13 13:45

● Your LFS Username: mrjonttu

● Time & Date of Incident: today

● Replay / Screenshot Link: no
● Replay Timestamps: no

● Reasons as to why you feel you deserve an unban: i got banned for nothing. When i go to tc world and ban list then i scroll to my name, there is no reason for my ban. I got banned for 90 days after tazx rammed me in chase and thatswhy i lost chase then i got banned. But why

RE: Banned for nothing - Adrian - 2019-09-13 13:48

1. Just 2 days ago you confirmed warning, which was about swearing.
2. Today you are seen swearing two times within about 10 mins.
3. Then you go on discord, there you swear and insult admins.

So no, you are not getting unbanned.

Unban Request Denied
Please read our terms & conditions if you wish to appeal this ban.