[TC] Gaming Forums
+ Report - [Ï] Tracy [COP] (Report Archived by Gaz) - Printable Version

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+ Report - [Ï] Tracy [COP] (Report Archived by Gaz) - Tris - 2020-05-12 14:18

Users Involved

Your LFS Username:tristatron

Their LFS Username(s):vadslys
Their In-game Nickname(s):[Ï] Tracy [COP]

Incident Information

Date of Incident:5/12/2020
Time of Incident:

Description of Incident (Include Timestamps):
0:40 - goes 135mph in an 85mph zone
1:05 - goes 80mph in a 50mph zone
1:30 - goes 80mph in a 50mph zone again after a u-turn
1:41 - cuts corner ww for no reason
2:03 - 80mph in a 60mph zone
2:10 - I bring up his speeding for the first time
3:50 - cuts corner ww for no reason again
4:07 - goes ww yet again for no reason
4:30 - "hhhhhhhh shut the f up pls" in response to me bringing it up to him for the
2nd time
5:29 - uses a 1 way entrance as an exit


Replay / Screenshot Link(s): Replay

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Gaz. - Gaz - 2020-05-12 15:10

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

The user has received a strict confirmable warning regarding the contents of this report.

Action has been taken as described
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.