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+ Hugo ram (Report Archived by Yukine) - Printable Version

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+ Hugo ram (Report Archived by Yukine) - Joe - 2020-06-13 16:46

Users Involved

Your LFS Username: herjoe

Their LFS Username(s): Xx_Huguinho753_xX
Their In-game Nickname(s): Hugo

Incident Information

Date of Incident: june 13, 2020
Time of Incident: 6:38 pm BST

Description of Incident (Include Timestamps): at 1:05:20 Hugo clearly rammed me on purpose.


Replay / Screenshot Link(s): https://uploadir.com/u/hsrzrwwb

RE: Hugo ram - Callys - 2020-06-13 16:53

First of all.
''Hugo: Sorry my love!''
''Hugo: Sori i arab drifted into you''
I took that ram as an friendly joke. I dont think it was going to be an situation that would need a report.

[GUIDE] How to Report a Rulebreaker
''2. Try to sort the situation out by speaking to the rulebreaker
Confront the rulebreaker about an incident that you feel wasn't alright.''
After i apologysed you twice, you didn't even try to talk to me, this could be cleared in-game instead of forums but you decided not to.

Before reporting make sure you know the intention's of the « Rule breaker » instead of instatly reporting, it was a friendly ram, you were AFK on the pitstop so i slammed into you at a low speed, without any intentions of you getting mad at it or either messing your playing.

Once, again, im sorry for what happened.

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Yukine. - Yukine - 2020-06-13 17:48

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

RE: Hugo ram - Yukine - 2020-06-13 19:11

Xx_Huguinho753_xX has been banned for 14 days due to his actions.

Action has been taken as described
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.