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Throw that bottle NOW!!! - Printable Version

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Throw that bottle NOW!!! - Paul - 2012-05-27 12:27


As we "Rien, Johan, me" got an awesome idea to put mentos in a bottle full of coke, and smack it on the ground!!

Johan and rien both did an attempt, but failed.. They could not close it in time. As I thought about something to slow the proces down, I worked it out well, This is what it ended like.

Dutch brabblee " Beehhoowaa"

Second bottle {coke}

I suggest you to go to youtube and watch it in HD !
Yes, Rien was the one with the funny laugh ! Tongue

I can say I had fun ! Hahaha. Exuese my weird movements !

Thanks for holding the camera STEADY JOHAN !!! my good god xD

RE: Throw that bottle NOW!!! - Ash - 2012-05-29 08:21

Forgot Mentos & Coke....