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+ Reporting BKR (Report Archived by Frozen) - Printable Version

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+ Reporting BKR (Report Archived by Frozen) - Kikou - 2020-08-19 20:45

Users Involved

Your LFS Username: Adwin

Their LFS Username(s):snajperopl
Their In-game Nickname(s):BKR

Incident Information

Date of Incident:20/8/2020
Time of Incident:04:31 GMT+8

Description of Incident (Include Timestamps): Crashing without saying sorry , being racist.

was making a turn when he crashed into me without saying sorry, tried to talk to him yet keeping saying I'm in the wrong. so here we are.

1:30:04 (ingame time)- Crashed into the backend of my car while im making a turn no sorry given afterward

04:22:00 BKR [CSR] Milo - yea and i am black
04:25:05 BKR [CSR] Milo - call obama or something
04:25:16 BKR [CSR] Milo - or trump because you dont like black people


Replay / Screenshot Link(s): http://www.mediafire.com/file/jb489e04so3l9ix/file (MPR) http://www.mediafire.com/file/3clmzmu3lvmcdwk/file (Lazy Chatlog)

Status: Investigation Process. Updated by: Frozen. - Frozen - 2020-08-21 12:30

This report is being reviewed
Please be patient, we will reply shortly.

RE: Reporting BKR - Frozen - 2020-08-21 12:58


(2020-08-19 20:45)M1L0 Wrote:  Description of Incident (Include Timestamps): Crashing without saying sorry , being racist.

While I agree with the 'crashing' part, I do not believe his remarks had any racist intention. If anything, it was simply a way of triggering you to start a discussion.

Regarding the crash, he failed to apologize after crashing into you. In fact, he did not even bother braking at all. I also checked a bit more of the replay and saw he also crashed into another player and implied it was not his fault.

This being said, snajperopl will receive a final confirmable warning in regards to crashing other people in the hope that none of this happens again.

Thanks for your report,

Action has been taken as described
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.