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Old member leaving - Printable Version

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Old member leaving - babszem - 2021-08-08 20:22

Good evening,

I'm here today to announce that our Supervisor, [6S] Sonic, decided to leave the team. He is looking for new adventures in which [6S] whishes him best of luck!

Thanks for all you work, Sonic.

[Image: SUFbxXG.png]

RE: Old member leaving - Trinax - 2021-08-08 20:24

Sad to see you go mate, But good luck with the adventures! Sad

RE: Old member leaving - LeCat - 2021-08-08 20:39

Good luck Sonic! hope you have a good time!

RE: Old member leaving - Ghutra - 2021-08-09 02:40

Sad news :[

Good luck in your future adventures Sonic!

RE: Old member leaving - Titan - 2021-08-09 04:47

oh very bad ...

we have known each other for a long time .. i enjoyed going with you .. thank you very much for the time and that you were part of [6S]

I wish you every success in your further development ..

I'll miss you

RE: Old member leaving - Kiwie - 2021-08-09 06:39

Good luck in your future plans Sonic!

RE: Old member leaving - Cam - 2021-08-09 09:52

Thanks guys!

I have certainly learnt a lot from driving with some of the fastest around. I won't forget my time and experiences from 6S. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to prove my worth.

RE: Old member leaving - Russ - 2021-08-09 15:22

Good luck with whatever you choose to do next Sonek

RE: Old member leaving - Some1 - 2021-08-09 17:41

It has been great having you with us, wishing you all the best in future endeavours!

RE: Old member leaving - fWANKy - 2021-08-09 19:10


RE: Old member leaving - Sky - 2021-08-09 19:20

good luck Sonic

@fwank bet you're crying in a corner

RE: Old member leaving - Charlie - 2021-08-09 20:06

Best of luck for the future, Sonic!

RE: Old member leaving - Bez - 2021-08-09 21:59

Good luck!!! Smile