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Your most hated layout - Printable Version

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Your most hated layout - Misterviin - 2022-02-05 18:05

As I made similar poll about your favorite layouts here, what would be your most hated layout. For me it is definetly westhill full, as it is too big and boring.

RE: Your most hated layout - Hamster - 2022-02-05 18:35

Definitely westhill full, it's too large and boring (too small concentration of players), when driving outside the track you lose a lot of money for example while you run away from the cops.

RE: Your most hated layout - Wilczek - 2022-02-05 19:49

westhill full for sure, too big

RE: Your most hated layout - Felipe Jardim - 2022-02-06 16:38

SO, too small, no run off areas, usually a huge mess.

RE: Your most hated layout - AnansiMaxine - 2022-06-06 22:15

Surprised to see a good amount of votes for retro though... (or not)
But lately I've been enjoying it, you can get a certain flow by linking the track so nicely. Too bad that you'll do the exact same course every 2 minutes.

Oh, and WE Full the worst for me.

RE: Your most hated layout - M6nsh - 2022-06-07 22:06

BL2X Blackwood Trackday?, The coolest map ever, I hope Chuck adds it more than once

WE1X Weston park (aka Westhill full, This map is totally boring and too big, but the track would be a blast, and I would love to see more of this map, especially the track when Chuck did updates it.

RE: Your most hated layout - 7mar - 2022-06-08 13:12

Full westhill, its so lonely and big