[TC] Gaming Forums
+ Unban Request. (Unban Request Granted by Ice) - Printable Version

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+ Unban Request. (Unban Request Granted by Ice) - jordan108 - 2022-03-01 20:52

Your LFS Username: used103

● Time & Date of Incident: Not sure

Hi there, I wanted to know if its possible to be unbanned? I was unsure of the reason as it was long time ago. Not sure as to when I was banned exactly or for what reason.. I do sincerely apologize for what it was. I know it's a big ask but would like a second chance to play on your server. I will ensure to follow the rules correctly.

thanks for taking the time to read this, jordan.

Status: Management Investigation. Updated by BP. - BP - 2022-03-02 16:13

Your ban is currently being reviewed by [TC] CityDriving Management
Please be patient whilst we review this request, we will reply in due course.

RE: Unban Request. - Ice - 2022-03-06 19:01

Hello jordan,

You have previously been banned for speedhacking. We would like to reiterate any sort of cheating in game is not tolerated and any repeated offenses will reinstate the ban. Please do familiarise yourself with the rules before proceeding to play on our servers.

That being said, it has been nearly 10 years since your ban and we feel like you deserve a second chance so we will unban you.

Ice on behalf of [TC] CityDriving Management

Unban Request Granted
Your account will be unbanned shortly. Please ensure you read our rules prior to your return to our servers.