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Discord server - Rules - Printable Version

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Discord server - Rules - Sebas - 2022-05-08 00:02

Here are the rules posted by TC management regarding the rules to follow on the TC Discord:

BP Wrote:**[TC] Discord Rules**

These rules must be followed at all times. Depending on the offense and repetition of the offense, punishments can range from a deletion of the message to a ban from the Discord server. Do not attempt to re-join the Discord if you are currently banned.


1.0 General Rules
2.0 Reporting Rule-Breakers

1. --- General Rules ---

1.1. Respect other users. Personal attacks are not tolerated.

1.2. Keep bad language to a minimum. Racism/racial language is not tolerated.

1.3. Use English language only.

1.4. Do not send illegal, inappropriate or explicit material or links to websites that include such material.

1.5. Do not send provocative, outrageous, or pointless messages.

1.6. Do not send messages in capital letters only. You may use them when it's grammatically correct, but do not overuse them.

1.7. Do not show private messages without permission of the sender and other participants.

1.8. Try and keep your discussions / messages relevant to the channel you are in.

1.9. Do not @mention people excessively or without good reason. This includes global mentions (@everyone, @here etc).

2. --- Reporting Rule-Breakers ---

You may use Discord to get immediate admin help. Please use the #admin-helpdesk. You may also contact admins directly if required.

~ [TC] Management

Pretty clear, simple and easy to follow.

Now, provided in spoilers are a bunch of examples of members of the community breaking said rules (Open at your own leisure):
This is only a small sample of what i've found in doing a simple 5 minute search on the server.

Does anyone actually moderate the Discord anymore? It's become such a cesspool of insults and people breaking every rule possible.

Any meaningful conversation gets yeeted to oblivion by trolls.
Most interactions done with admins on #admin-helpdesk rewards you with insults from members.

This is not what i'm expecting from TC administration, to be honest. All those things in-game would be met with harsh restrictions and actions, no questions asked. However on Discord, everything seems "fair game".

Did y'all just decided to give up on the Discord server?

RE: Discord server - Rules - 7mar - 2022-05-08 09:06


Administrator Message by: BP

2.2. Do not post provocative, outrageous, or pointless messages.

RE: Discord server - Rules - SIMOX - 2022-05-08 10:22

[Image: p1gDTXj.png]

Nice to pull it out of the context. Bruh.

RE: Discord server - Rules - Felipe Jardim - 2022-05-08 14:14

Want discord rules to be enforced? Just make discord rules punishable in game instead of discord only. 90% of these trolls are no lifers and would have no idea what to do with themselves if they get banned from TC so they will behave.

RE: Discord server - Rules - Dino - 2022-05-08 14:32

Wait, how am I not mentioned nor in any screenshots?

RE: Discord server - Rules - Felipe Jardim - 2022-05-08 15:19

because you're a nice person and everyone loves you ok 7mar?

RE: Discord server - Rules - Dizzle - 2022-05-09 02:03

I agree, Sebas. We are looking into an efficient solution.