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Unlink between accounts - Printable Version

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Unlink between accounts - it2 - 2022-06-16 21:07

Morning Tc Management.

I'm here asking to unlink accounts between it2 and K3s s3 account
You can see that my urs is clean before k3s join my account.

I intend to make it clean without causing my reputation any harm, which I can't do when k3s account is linked to it2
As a result, I might end up being banned for stuff I didn't do, which I'm hoping to be unlinked and remove the Warning for future using
And I am continually at risk of my account being banned due to someone's behavior, which prevents me from having fun or continue playing on TC server.

I know my fault i share my account but thats was in the past also i change the information which i did and even play on server for a few weeks without any problem but when the admin give k3s warning it give to me also because he was joining my account in the past.

RE: Unlink between accounts - BP - 2022-07-30 09:37


I will forward this case to [TC] CityDriving Management

Please can you clearly confirm what you have done to confirm that the account(s) involved are completely secure.