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[DS] Driver Seat - Printable Version

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[DS] Driver Seat - P V L - 2022-11-19 16:27

Hello TC community.

I would like to let you all know that the [DS] servers are back with a new insim.

It includes now not only the 20 original LFS cars but 100 mods ( 13 of those are bikes ).

Here is a link to a 1 minute tutorial video: https://youtu.be/pzUlqdtoGY4

There are 5 DS servers running:

[DS] Trail Easy ( 1 point for each vehicle / trail combo )

[DS] Trail Medium ( 2 points for each vehicle / trail combo )

[DS] Rollercoaster ( 3 points for each vehicle / trail combo )

[DS] Trail Hard ( 4 points for each vehicle / trail combo )

[DS] Trail X-Dream ( 5 points for each vehicle / trail combo)

To get started join [DS] Trail Easy, any finished lap will unlock [DS] Trail Medium.

Any finished lap on [DS] Trail medium will unlock [DS] Trail Hard.

Any finished lap on [DS] Trail Hard will unlock [DS] Trail X-Dream.

[DS] Rollercoaster is free to join from start as well.

There is a wall of glory ranking with ranks given by points.

For those that like to go fast all time there is a top times table available.

We even have our Timing tool Delta, it offers 6 options to compare your current lap.

The 6 options are:

Compare to fastest lap done on trail at all.

Compare to fastest lap done on trail in current vehicle.

Compare to slowest lap done on trail.

Compare to slowest lap done on trail in current vehicle.

Compare to your fastest lap done on trail.

Compare to your fastest lap done on trail in current vehicle.

The Delta tool is free adjustable in size and position on your screen.

At the end of the lap penalty times will be added, same goes for used resets.

To use a reset, do !tow. It will get you to the last safe checkpoint you passed.

For bikes there is an unlimited amount of !up and !turn commands availabe.

For any vehicles with no reverse gear the !turn command works as well.

If interested to join our discord, here is the invite link:


You may find some more infos or just entertainment reading the Trail & Roco channel there.

This should be enough to give a first impression, hope to see some of you guys soon on [DS].

Best wishes to all of you, enjoy life.


RE: [DS] Driver Seat - BP - 2022-11-19 19:19

NOTE: This thread advertises another LFS server, however PVL obtained [TC] permission beforehand.

Give the server a try, it's fun!

RE: [DS] Driver Seat - THE WIZARD DK - 2022-11-20 10:34

tried asking for help but you were logged off.

idk why i am being spectated going into gravel section after the grand stands.

arrow points that way and i didnt hit any objects.

so i really dont know why i get spectated in that area.

but other wise good idea and nice made lyt.

not fan of location as that would also be considered personal information.
(any online game should respect locations that could be used to id you or your computer)
i do like the switch though.

challenging layout for sure. and fun.

minor question.
did server stats get reset? i believe i was on medium or hard last time i was in the server?

RE: [DS] Driver Seat - P V L - 2022-11-20 12:20

As you mentioned, the location is free to show, you decide to show nothing, country or city + country.

Server stats were not reset, all have their times and points.

I offered to find out why you got spectated, you did not tell me which Checkpoint was the last you passed.

May be just watch someone doing a lap and see where you go wrong.

RE: [DS] Driver Seat - THE WIZARD DK - 2022-11-27 11:36

got through it with your help. thanks for that Smile

RE: [DS] Driver Seat - KaS0Y - 2022-12-01 13:46

Really fun layouts, i recommend others to try and challenging with the times Smile

RE: [DS] Driver Seat - P V L - 2022-12-06 13:23

For those interested or just looking for the way on Trail X-Dream

here a mpr of last nights run with 4 Eresos, old rallye car.


Thanks to January, T.Soini and Kasoy for the 2 hours of fun.

RE: [DS] Driver Seat - January - 2022-12-07 00:57

Except for taking too long to finish it with a group, It was more enjoyable to do that. Thanks to whoever has been on that group it was a fun night Biggrin.

[DS] Driver Seat Events - P V L - 2022-12-20 15:23


I would like to announce the opening of our event server.

It is named [DS] Driver Seat Events and ready to use.

During the christmas time we will have many smaller fun races.

Those are going to happen on different layouts like Rumble Race,

Race of Champions or other fun layouts.

The main event of christmas will be a 3 hours + endurance

race on one of my old lyts, a bit updated to have it more interesting.

Its a very custom layout on Westhill, the car to use will be the SEDAN.

The exact date and time will be announced as soon as its set.

For now we can tell it will be 25 laps and you may practise to get

used to both the track and the car during the next days.

So, start your engines, enjoy the ride.

Best luck to all when going to or even over the limits.


[DS] Driver Seat Events - P V L - 2022-12-22 20:06

The Endurance Race on [DS] Driver Seat Events

will be started at 15.00 ( 3 p.m.) CET on

the 25th of december 2022.

The car to use will be the SEDAN ( C7335D ).

We will go for 25 laps, estimated race duration is 3 hours +.

The car offers great fun even it is not that fast,

beside that the track is a bit tricky and this way I hope

even slower drivers can finish at a good position.

The server is open already, track & car are set.

For better practise we have reset on at the moment,

it will of course be off during the race.

There will be a nice prize money paid as usual.

It depends this time on the amount of players.

Even we do not need to signup, it would be nice if those

taking part for sure would do a short post on this thread.

No information needed , just the LFS account is enough then.

I am looking forward to this, hopefully we get some people

to join. Start your engines, join the track and lets practise.

Best luck to all participiants,


RE: [DS] Driver Seat - P V L - 2022-12-24 11:03

I know its not the best time for some of us. On the other hand its a day where almost nobody has to work.

I couldnt find a better time to do it in the short time. Still, I wanted to offer something for Christmas at least.

We will see how many people may join. If not enough for a good race I will delay it to a better time.

For now, its the rumble lap loaded and awaiting the competitors.

This is a "all allowed race", so do whatever you think is getting you over the line first.

We run a basic insim even, means you can use the well known !tow whenever you need it.

It will add 10 seconds for each use on this lap. To make it even more interesting for slower drivers,

the restart is set to reverse finish. Join us and have fun, P V L

[DS] Driver Seat Events - P V L - 2022-12-25 08:29

We will have some smaller fun races during the day. Just join whenever you are in the mood to have fun.

For tomorrow I plan to do a mass run on Trail Medium with a payout of TC cash for all drivers to finish.

If you want to join there, you need to have finished ANY lap on Trail Easy to drive on Trail Medium.

The server to join is [DS] Driver Seat Events, merry X-Mas to all.

RE: [DS] Driver Seat - P V L - 2022-12-25 12:53

3 Hours Endurance starts in one hour. Dont miss it . Wink

RE: [DS] Driver Seat - P V L - 2022-12-25 19:23

Thanks to all drivers for the fun, it was great racing.

Sadly some people joined to late, may be it is better next time.

Here are the payouts for the endurance race with the SEDAN:

Teppari 28000 €

Kilobananov 25000 €

P V L 22000 €

Cetink. 19000 €

Viktors3232 16000 €

Kostis1815 13000 €

Have a nice christmas and watch out for [DS] Driver Seat Events server

to not miss some fun action in future. Best wishes P V L.

RE: [DS] Driver Seat - Carl - 2024-11-10 19:45

Is this team still active?

RE: [DS] Driver Seat - P V L - 2024-11-10 21:13

YES we are. We will have some christmas events soon, starting in december. Thumbup1

RE: [DS] Driver Seat - Carl - 2024-11-10 21:46

Ok no problem. Look forward to hearing about your events. Smile