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[Implemented] License for HEAVY VEHICLES - Printable Version

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License for HEAVY VEHICLES - Marty_Deslions - 2022-11-20 13:59

[Image: heavyvehicle3.png]

Nowadays there is a difference in TC between normal vehicles and "heavy vehicles". There are also some rules that apply for players driving heavy vehicles, but not normal vehicles. (https://www.city-driving.co.uk/rules/#Heavy)
There are currently 4 types of licenses that are valid for 1 year after purchase and succesfully completing a test. (cop, tow, med/res, race). You will need to purchase a license again and do the test again, if you want to have the license when it has expired. There is also a taxi license, but you don't need to complete any test for that. It's also only valid for 1 year.

I think it would be appropriate if there also was a license for driving heavy vehicles. This license should also be temporary, like 1 year. This heavy vehicle license should also have a test, since there are also different rules for driving these vehicles.

In Europe, if you want to drive a bus or truck professionally, you'll need to have whats called "code 95". This is also a kind of license that needs to be renewed every 5 years.

I've posted a similar thread some time ago, but for busses only: https://forum.city-driving.co.uk/showthread.php?tid=34335

About the test, I don't think the questions need to be too crazy. Just give the player abit of awareness on the type of vehicle they are driving and the rules that apply.

Here are some questions that could be used, as an example:

[Image: heavyvehicle1.png]

Question 1: Are you allowed to do things like burnouts or donuts in a heavy vehicle?

A: Yes, as long as there are no cops around.
B: Yes, as long as there aren't other players around.
C: No, you have to behave professionally at all times.

[Image: heavyvehicle2.png]

Question 2: You are not sure whether a certain vehicle is considered a "heavy vehicle". How can you check?

A: You can't. Just use common sense.
B: You can check the modlist at TC World.
C: If a vehicles weighs more than 5000kg, it's considered a heavy vehicle.

[Image: heavyvehicle4.png]

Question 3: A cop pulls you over. What are your options?

A: I cannot run from him. If I do so, I'll get spectated automaticly.
B: I can try to escape, just like non-heavy vehicles.
C: I can try to escape, but I am not allowed to use any contact.

RE: License for HEAVY VEHICLES - Sebas - 2022-11-20 18:46

I'm torn between Test and no test, so I chose "test".

I think we need to have some sort of confirmation that the players read the rules before driving these vehicles. They have their own set of rules and restrictions that players need to understand and respect before jumping in them.

It would also add some roleplay aspect, like the Taxi license and the racing license.

RE: License for HEAVY VEHICLES - Gaz - 2022-11-20 19:00

Regardless of test or no test, an easy way to restrict players who disrespect the heavy vehicle rules from using said vehicles (i.e. by revoking their license) would be a good addition imo - even better if there is "something to lose" from it such as the license fee.

Perhaps there could also be some guidance on how to use the bus & freights systems somewhere in there too.

RE: License for HEAVY VEHICLES - Ghutra - 2022-11-20 20:44

Definitely yes. Temporary with test is my vote

Also considering their weight, size, length and the chaos they make when they are stuck or flipped I'd price the license higher than the others, between 5k to 10k or above, just to make sure that it "hurts" your wallet to be sure you know what you doin'

RE: License for HEAVY VEHICLES - Felipe Jardim - 2022-11-20 20:48

A temporary yearly test with a Q/A like the RACE license with a cost of 2,500/yr would be plenty IMO. Test should have imagery of how certain turns must be taken to avoid issues and other Large/heavy vehicle tips and safety precautions that must be taken, such as early braking, stable cornering speed, etc.

RE: License for HEAVY VEHICLES - M6nsh - 2022-11-21 06:35

+2 for temporary license with a test

RE: License for HEAVY VEHICLES - Josh - 2022-11-21 18:30


I personally wouldn’t be against a licence similar to the RACE licence. 1 year duration and a simple confirmation of the bus/heavy specific rules (rather than a pass/fail test).

RE: License for HEAVY VEHICLES - Chuck - 2022-11-22 08:48

I think this has already been brought forward internally.

License for HEAVY VEHICLES - Chuck - 2022-11-22 08:48

Suggestion approved.
Your suggestion is likely to be implemented soon. When this happens, the changelog will be updated.