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Bait Car - Printable Version

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Bait Car - THE WIZARD DK - 2023-03-14 19:43

Last night i was thinking if you go AFK for a longer time period,
you dont really know if you are being stolen from.
to add to that thought i then speculated in having my car protected by a cop while AFK. hence the bait car idea. a bait car is a car used by Police to catch criminal theifs stealing from cars. so the basic thought is, to have some agreement to be a bait car with a cop (could be some written agreement in insim you click yes too, for example)
so when you go AFK, and a cop is not busy doing anything else, they can eat donuts and keep an eye on your car, which ofc must have a car alarm in order to do so legally and arrest ppl for it. if going AFK and a cop is needed for back up, they should attend to that issue , but be able to return to watch over the parked car. a bait car owner could maybe earn some % from any thief caught trying to break into the car parked but have above 2500 in wallet. e.g. 2565, could be so you only loose to around 2500.
so theres a little something for all and some type of agreement towards users.

naturally you wouldnt be able to have a Bait Car with a cop right next to you.
this is the fun part i think. because the cop have to hide some distance away from the parked car in order to catch anyone near it. (RolePlay Stake out)

its just a thought really. but one i think could bring alot of fun too.
