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InSim Report of dual message - Printable Version

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InSim Report of dual message - menticek - 2023-04-12 18:08

Hi, I have no idea in which category to post this, so I am posting it here. (Admins, if this is wrong category, move this Smile )

When playing on TC today, i saw this dual message when someone fined someone.
[Image: Rgz1hX5J.png]

That is not the only case of dual message this week. Second case was when someone is getting busted, it says
"<suspect> was busted by <cops> / escaped!"
[Image: n9v4qokn.png]

Hoping my report will help you!

RE: InSim Report of dual message - Chuck - 2023-04-15 11:05

Fixed the second one but i have no idea where the first thing comes from.
Maybe the guy paid the same moment the timer ran out?