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- Report RapidFireGaming (Report Archived by BP) - Printable Version

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- Report RapidFireGaming (Report Archived by BP) - TdiAhmet - 2023-08-27 12:22

Users Involved

Your LFS Username:TdiAhmet_

Their LFS Username(s):RapidFireGaming
Their In-game Nickname(s):[COP] Bas

Incident Information

Date of Incident:27.08.2023
Time of Incident:11:52

Description of Incident (Include Timestamps):1:56:00-The chase begins. 1:58:40-BAS She made her first move. 2:01:34 Chase End.
Subject: End the chase by simply calling for help, without the need for contact during the chase. His car was strong enough to catch up with me, but it didn't stop me. And he didn't even care about the chase after he called for help. (I use translation so there may be mistakes sorry.)
I just want to know if this is legal.


Replay / Screenshot Link(s):https://www.mediafire.com/file/zt1azcdh79rzzfc/bas.mpr/file

RE: Report RapidFireGaming - TdiAhmet - 2023-08-28 16:42

I would like to close the issue as it is a simple topic. My mood was tense when I brought up the subject and I've given up now, sorry.

RE: Report RapidFireGaming - BP - 2023-08-28 16:42

(2023-08-28 16:42)TdiAhmet Wrote:  I would like to close the issue as it is a simple topic. My mood was tense when I brought up the subject and I've given up now, sorry.

No action has been taken as explained
Thank you for your report, it has now been moved to the archives.