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fines by cops with no skin - Printable Version

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fines by cops with no skin - THE WIZARD DK - 2023-11-07 18:35

Hi. had this weird incident just now and dont know where to ask.

was driving over the hill and did notice a car behind me but that happens alot so kept driving. on the way down passed pitlane i get a sirene. police stop. so i look backwards and see a white car behind me. all white. so immidiately thinking screenshot this. so i did. while looking backwards. then we spoke a bit and ended where this shot is taken because i thought that would prove even more as the skin was seriously slow to load apparently. i think fine was 300. so my question is here. if it is not obvious a police car you at least can get refunded? because if it was loaded on the hill if would already then have known it was a cop.

just curious as petsu wasnt much help to any of us regarding that.

here is the screenshot i took. also there was alot of lag on server. still is while i write this.
[Image: noskincop.jpg]

while at it it would also be nice if all working vehicles had the clam [] infront of name. like team names in racing and also for immidiat observation of emergency and other vehicles. you dont ask a cop his name first and then he chases you to discover its the cop behind you? so it really makes no sense to not have e.g. [COP] infront of the name , even on taxi´s and all vehicles. CLC actually thought in these terms and it worked like a charm. even for people with disabled color vision. but another story. but it would only make sense to have description of what you are on the server before the name. the name is not important in emergency situations or accidents. so would be really nice to see on TC. even for [VCU] too. would also benefit both pro and new. easier overview. just my thoughts. Wiz

kinda like music titles. many wants to put title of track before artist.
but its the artist who makes the track therefore standard in those areas is artist first then title.
on TC thats just your work description before name. it makes sense too if you think about it.

RE: fines by cops with no skin - Yasen - 2023-11-07 19:18

Hi, Wiz.
It happens to me also on time to time. Sometimes takes a bit skins to load on recently joined cars or they do when you stay close to them or pit/spec and join on track again.

But I just don't get that why you need a refund?
You are saying you did't notice big red text on your screen when cop chased you? Or stop police on chat?
If is that, I think it's your fault.

RE: fines by cops with no skin - THE WIZARD DK - 2023-11-07 21:23

(2023-11-07 19:18)Yasen Wrote:  Hi, Wiz.
It happens to me also on time to time. Sometimes takes a bit skins to load on recently joined cars or they do when you stay close to them or pit/spec and join on track again.

But I just don't get that why you need a refund?
You are saying you did't notice big red text on your screen when cop chased you? Or stop police on chat?
If is that, I think it's your fault.

no i did noticed the sign on screen thats when i looked back coz couldnt see him right behind me in side mirrors. and thats when i took first screenshot but later saw it didnt load even after we stopped so took the one above because longer time went by and therefore showing the skin was in fact seriously long time to load. but as also said there is a bit of lag on the server today. unfortunately i cant say what i would like to as i know devs would be mad but could be a reason why. in old times that meant you got refunded the fine because you couldnt really know its a cop. in this case i did know when i looked back to see where he was. but skin loaded after he fined me. so is a bit of a grey area there. on top of the hill in the intersection i did see him there way back from the image. point is if the skin had loaded then, i would have known already back on the hill it was a cop. but when i saw him i saw a yellow name and white and thought ngu team member. in straight when the stop police come on and i look back is when i actually notice he got [COP] last in his name. i remember i thought i didnt see any cops so just well speeded a bit. but the main thing is i would have known on the hill and therefore not speeded if it had loaded. in short i couldnt really know he was a cop untill i was actually being chased.

EDIT: im aware looking at a skin can make it load faster. im also aware if you come from pits to track and go back to pits and back on track. your skin has a better chance to load than if you go straight to track. but still a sort of grey area to know where the line is. just saying what it used to be like in these incidents.

RE: fines by cops with no skin - BP - 2023-11-08 03:18

Sorry, but ain't nobody got time to read your waffling and endless edits to your posts.

I'll just guess what you're saying based on reading a few words:

Having a cop skin load late is not grounds for refund.
If you have a suggestion about tags, create a separate suggestion thread.